
Saturday, December 17, 2022

xmas doodads

 I'm reading some dense news article and an advertisement for magnets shows up.
They look like piles of nickels and your refrigerator is supposed to like them.

They've got a better magnet, not too strong, that fits on a keyring.

It's a present, better than a pen or a sweater.

It's not like I'm a commercial so I won't include the link here, 
It's just, when I was a kid and flashlights were cool presents,
This would have been nice, and it doesn't need batteries.
Back then it would have been 
in the back of a comic book for maybe $2.99

I honestly don't know wtf They are talking about, only that I wasn't enough of an obedient-tool and only have two choices at the end.
BTW I was right about the Matrix-style ending.
Anyway, I can control or destroy, NOT Synthesize.
I need to keep racking up obedience points or forget it and go rob trains and feed horses.

(and I'm reluctant to keep playing because I don't really know how many points I have. It's a math-thing.
How much is my reputation? A big white line.
How much is my "Paragon" (wtf)??
How many army-points do I have? THAT *is* a number, but how many tedious quests to get it higher once the armies are assembled...I don't Care! No more gopher quests!
OTOH it's a game you can settle into, like solitaire or old maid, and maybe if I play slower and more ponderously...no. But the robbing-trains game is boring too so IDK.

I hate games with subtext.
Are some robots alive? 
Yes, LGBTQ, but how do you feel about the black guy?
Why does the game writer have my squad pop up in front of my gun's line-of-fire, is it for guilt?
Ashley is kind of an asshole because she never really truly trusts you,
James should be locked up for insubordination, but 
Liara is the worst. 
Know-it-all and happiest when being bossy.
She apparently wants to be Shepard's girlfriend but it's all like "ew, nono"  but that's just me.

Google says "Shepherd, Shepard, Sheppard, Shephard and Shepperd are surnames and given names"
So I'm guessing the author didn't pick "Li" or "smith" for that reason, or are we into deeper subtext.

so...it's a western. No zombies.
I was misled
but not the worst $20 I've spent, "Bayonetta" gets that reward

I'm imagining (ahem)
 I think maybe the players in Moscow or Warsaw, fighting off the winter-cold, might enjoy this. Me, I'm not into westerns.
But if I were, where's Miss Kitty?
The barfights?


who is indoctrinated? 
To appease the smoke-detectors, I bought one of the highest-smoking oils, corn, and a cheaper brand at that.
Canola is supposed to be better, but maybe they just have a better council.
But anyway, canola *and* corn are on the bottom of a snooty health list, Snobs won't touch them.
(Snobs turned on Martha stewart too, digressing)
Fucket, "corn" it is.

and WHO is indoctrinating?

Total non-sequitur digressions...Does martha totally agonize over every bedsheet print, or does she have scads of underlings do that.
Would SHE like corn oil??
She says it, I believe it, that settles it!

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