
Saturday, January 14, 2023


 I might barf all over this keyboard and forget writing this...Apparently Cipro causes Nausea.
I never get nauseous, but I take imodium regularly, which got me thinking, 
does imodium cause heart problems that show up on tests?
See, cuz I might have sneaked some in last time I was there at hospital.
It sucks using bedpans, dontcha know.

So OK, I need Ciprofloxacin for ten days, push through the nausea, ignore the palpitations.
Fucket, Shit the bed or Barf the bed...Poor bed.


It's a sortofa 
"DAMN the Torpedoes, FIRE! (Damn you)" med

"From Hell's hot [heart] I stab at thee"
(Torsades de pointes)

Opinions from an uneducated Layman, I need to put it out there, lest you think I am proffering an educated hypothesis.
 OK first you have to read https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/health-news/the-surprising-reason-for-the-decline-in-cancer-mortality/ar-AA16mxZf, which is a commentary on the decline of some cancers, or a warning not to get too optimistic about "Cancer" generally, I'm not sure.
Bottom line for the author seems to be that, earlier diagnosis might further reduce the severity, the fatalities.

But I wish proctologists and Urologists and endocrinologists, trained for *more* than just tests for diagnosing cancer.
What about digestion?
Pick a field (any field) and they focus on one single aspect.
Keep the sugar down 
(but what's causing it to be high in the first place?)
Check the stomach for cancer 
(what about irritated stomachs, 
("Gastritis,") can something be done besides antacids?)
Aggressively treat sepsis 
(but what's causing the sepsis?)
Well anyway I can't go into the host of possible diseases that get glossed over in favor of cancer.
Your blood-levels are fine, go home, eat cucumbers.

This next bit really is a note, but for me
I cannot follow the damned walkthroughs, they want you to pick up every rock, every bloody scrap.
I hate doing that, so I miss tons (Like the 6 or so other major biggie quests besides Melena's)
Let the lady hug you, that's all I remember to do.
BTW this piddly note needs editing for additional names.
"Outer wall Battleground", uh, yada.
Oh the one on the bottom left is "...Phantom Tree," useless.
That cave on the right is extremely close to the real, for-truly entrance,
Which you'll be able to go into if conditions are right (everyone close to you dies, etc)
This game literally makes me sleep (microdoze?)
I'm not complaining, it's a fun sleeping pill.


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