
Saturday, January 21, 2023

To kill a bug


You kind of have to at least gloss over the link to know what I'm talking about, that Google is scared of the competition, wants to get more chatty.

Why can't it write emails automatically for you, one of the article's questions was.

I need to kill bugs crawling onto my keyboard, and the most arcane buttons get pressed, debugging scripts or viewing sources.

What if one of those bugs getting squished, emailed a person "Sorry for your loss" or "We regret to inform you that."

If everyone already knows they're talking to a bot, what's the point (of talking to bots)?

I've heard they're thinking of having bots write poetry and maybe short stories.
Will future blockbuster hopefuls be written by bots?

I lost my train, talk to the bot.

"Lexus *is* superior, after all, studies show"

So I'm reading a crime report from CNN, and the comments-section is seriously off-the-wall. 
A chatbot would not have far to go to imitate the people.
I still don't know what "Troll teh forums" means but yeah, AI would fit perfectly (And sell stuff too)

Another train:

My current food supply sucks real bad.
I need to lower my cholesterol (but raise my protein), ignoring facts about too much protein being bad for the elderly (They always find an excuse to stick you with more protein anyway)
  • Eggs? Cholesterol-demons from hell.
  • Hamburger? It's frowned upon (but fuckem, I love hamburger)
  • Eggs and hamburger?
  • (Think of the fat!! (Being absorbed by the eggs, omg)
  • (In desperation) EGGBeaters???!!!
  • Uh, (hmm) Do they taste as good as eggs?
To be continued (the food, not the bots)
Well, one thing: It USED to be, less protein recommended as a person got older.
NOW suddenly, protein has been canonized (EVOO-status)
And old people need it real bad.
Too much protein (in the distant past) could show up in urine, screwing up tests, and causing concern.
Now, (fucket) gotta sell them protein packages.
If hospitals are so dam bad, fix the hospitals

The thinking is, uh, Elderly are less efficient at processing protein, soooo, (my addition) it ends up in urine, accumulates in blood. These guys (above) say to lay on more protein But there goes your kidneys, and your blood,

Hamburger screws up fat tests, and protein screws up protein tests (in urine/blood)
Biggie IDK
Take the protein, eat the hamburger, just don't get all "Caligula."
Cholesterol is a lost cause. Take lots of pills (or something)

TBA: are "eggbeaters" microwaveable? Microwavable (which is it??)
and could these cooked EB's be placed on a slab of biggie burgers like cheeeeeze??
Assuming the *taste* is acceptable, or it becomes overpriced garbáhj

Eggs have "skyrocketed" according to the evening news. Does that include eggbeaters?
Hubby doesn't sit down for breakfast anymore, bacon and hashbrowns.
His kids wolfing down fruit-loops.
Who's buying all the eggs?

So I went to the damn store but forgot the eggbeaters, too many other things on my mind....the guy planting himself in front of what I wanted, forever...were those fifty people in line already, did I accidentally cut to the front?
Why do hamburger-patties have more protein than hamburger (23 vs 19)
Do little kids really sound like elks??

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