
Saturday, February 11, 2023

Blogs about Valentine's day

Large Publishing places with their fingers in many pies, want you to know and adhere to the societal rules of this holiday: Buy something.
Usually, for a woman. But I'm old, and remember the olden days when teachers would pause teaching to get their tiny students to hand out candy-hearts. It was a sort of a competition; the girls with the most hearts, won.
Many blogs, many virtual candy-cookies and lots of comments.
I feel guilty about rants, and I'm skipping a long dissertation about accusations in my marriage I wasn't romantic enough.
I'll summarize: To make yourself look good to your romantic partner, who'll gladly spread your goodness on her iPhone and twitter, buy something.
Otherwise, treat it like all the other unnamed holidays February is stuffed with.

This next bit is random, and shouldn't be read.

Do you count your candy-crushes? Meaningless gifts given by you-starved admirers who come to you the rest of the year to withdraw money or buy groceries or have memos typed.

You know the ones I mean, the men making your line the longest, as they let people go in front (in single lines,) waiting just to get a smell of your perfume, and your sweet-sounding voice.
OK so the extra eye-makeup doesn't hurt, but that's mostly for the firemen passing your way.
The sun shines on the good and the bad, it sucks being irresistible

Google's idea of an irresistible 


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