
Saturday, February 11, 2023


 Mail order Pharmacies 

The going rate of a vial (or two vials, if that's what you use) is supposed to be $35, or so I thought.

Biggie deal from the Trump-era.

Looks good, so far...

So I figured, six vials (90 day supply) would be a better deal from Mail order.

What if it was only 60 days? No word yet on how many vials?

95 for 60 days? WHUUTT??

35*2 is 70. Even if they actually sent two vials per month for 60 days (4 total) it would still be a big ripoff.
My sugar would be happy but...

O hell, it takes too damn long to explain, they ripped me off totally.
Six vials for 90 days would have been a deal. 
*Four* vials (60 days) is no deal, but it's adequate (95 vs 70)

*Two* vials and I see lawyers in my future.

What's that? A typo? 60 vs 78?

Plus the quantities have been changed to protect the profit-margin

The advertised price doesn't match the Order's price (Biggie surprise)

PS what's with "26 day supply"?
It was how CVS lists it... You can't split a vial so IDK what they're talking about.
Instead of 90 days, I'm ruminating, 26*3 (breaks out calculator) is "78", which they apparently round down to 60.
But what's with the extra $25?
Farkin ripoff.

Speaking of Ripoffs...

My train of thought drifts towards balloons that keep getting shot down.

The television versions of the movies include medicare and life insurance, incontinence and caregiver commercials.

Do you think they're trying to tell us something?

I didn't mean to inflate this short blog with balloonery, but it keeps being on the front page news.

Why not nuke it (geez)

PS the movies are mostly boring, a collection of scenes in between commercials, and I fall asleep or watch a cop show (Why are cop-shows taking over the world?)

I need a cute picture, TBA

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