
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New Post

 Fiction=judgmental readers.

Consider the celebrities (now) who used to be ordinary people, with opinions and beliefs, thrust into a spotlight, and then everything they say do and are, is scrutinized, carefully.

So my blog about being addicted and slogging through sleet and snow to satisfy cravings, will get judged, so forget that! 

Plus, my reading glasses broke.

Plus, did I misspell a word, or did I make a grammatical error?

Have you *seen* Edgar Allen Poe's house?
It was closed when I got there but it sure looked like the bedroom of an apartment, all tiny.

It was super tiny, not like this mansion (but it's similar to what I saw)
(That section on the right, with the bushes, looks familiar)



is one non-fictional story, and another is the governor of Florida taking over Disneyland.

B o r i n g!

Me walking a mile through slush sounds better, but I'll never write it.

JK Rowling,

Elton John, 
A member of the royal family (pick one),
John Lennon, 
So (fucket) here's to you, brave people who broke out of your shell to sing, write, make movies. Your popularity is fleeting, and people will hate you eventually.

What's it called when another train of thought gets created...

Charismatic people who get famous or become government officials, and sports fans (you'd think) have nothing in common, right?

In other words...(lemme see) are you wielding your opinion like Thor's hammer, or the spanish inquisition, or ...?

This next link is topical, I swear...not for the actual historical event, but what it eventually became in people's minds.


My forum avatar is an old man from a show in 1965 (or so). I'm getting "frosted". (lol) "hard core" isn't allowed.

Guns and monsters are the trendy favorite, and scantily-clad women, but 
"morf" (m or f?) an avatar must be descriptive, not nasty.
I would rather not meet monster gun owners.
So pics of girlfriends are out (morf, don'tcha know) and I avoid monsters.
(&^%$, IDK)

car-owning, gun-toting monsters would *prolly* be appropriate...

(movies ("avatar") ruined it for google, it keeps thinking I wanna look at aliens (another google ruiner)

Clean-cut, p.c. avatar (except it's two people)

Looks make zillions:
Zillion-dollar avatar

I wonder if my enormously huge lock-screen would be good.

If I could photoshop a blindfold (beeeeecause, Idk wtf you're all referring to)
I already hear the disembodied voices judging me...
OK I'll google a sleeping mask that my potato-self is peeking out of.
Surprised revelation, or, Oral Fetish??
$#@, IDK already

stfu, judgmentals
I could tweeeek the mouth to look less "oral"

I predict scorn, derision, but such is my sucky life...

I *do* like potatoes...

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