
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

quick android notes

 Offline: 2D-2H @85% charge (it's a feature of the phone to limit charging to 85%)

ONline: 1D-18H, says the phone.

Online, just sitting there doing nearly nothing.

50-Hours vs 42, a seven hour difference.

All that built-in crap takes a toll.

(and Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, and I suppose the phone's charge helps it limp to 8 hours or so)

and camera

android 13 (ui 5) is running...I don't have any phone statistics on the older version.

The whole 2d-2h thing seems overrated...after a game of solitaire (online), a day later with the phone sitting on standby, it's totally dead.

In other words, standby doesn't seem to help the phone at all; even with a blank/black screen, it's dead in a day.

(My battery *could* be one of the weak ones, I guess, no way to really know.)

This could turn into one of those "battery-pack" add-on blogs... I'd rather discuss buying socks, and I don't need any.
A rant about *needing* packs instead of just having phones with decent batteries is possible...but unnecessary. Thicker phones (why not? would the critics throw a tantrum saying it's heresy and apostatic to Apple (blessed be their freebie name)?

(Bah Humbug)

$1199.99 or a cheaper phone with a really good battery-pack (a freaking caligula-style back pack, bring on the dancing WiFi!!)
Unless you spend your hard-earned money on suits, cologne... shiny white-teeth, then I guess a phone that belittles your boss might be more better, IDK

Consider that whatever phone you own (anyone owns,) uhm, it needs a case to protect it. (also, Why?)
Thicker better-protected phones might be nice, or are they waiting to have brain-implants with AI (like in my game)

Not that you asked, but in my game, the player has to blast off into space or at least fly to a space-station, to check their email.
The AI they have can announce email but is unable to relay the message, and that gigantic arm-tool (it's called "omni" tool) cannot check emails either, so consider yourselves lucky, hmm.

I wonder when backpack battery-packs will get invented, or do they exist but I have not googled it yet. (I've been googling madly but it's mostly crap about new phones, not better batteries
BTW, phones that seem nice according to Tom's Hardware are horrible according to T-Mobile's customers, IDK. My Lowly "tarnished" A53 from Samsung seems all right but didn't make Tom's list.

The cheaper phones that DID make his list make people real unhappy (dropped calls seem to be a common complaint.)

So if my battery gets even worse, uh, I might invest in a pack rather than a phone.
My imaginary battery-back-pack's cord goes to the phone, music and games can play, everything (including Wi-Fi) because of the backpack battery pack, with the cord so securely fastened that thieves couldn't (easily) steal the phone, and you'd stop leaving it in restaurants. 
Ignore that part about the cord being securely fastened, they haven't invented it yet.
(I think duct-tape might be in order, and Foam insulation-pads (rubber bumpers) from home depot would be nice too)
I tend to forget that I now travel everywhere with a power supply under my butt.
Instead of the below, I guess someone makes USB attachments, don'tcha know.

Yeahbutt, how BIG is it? 20,000mah, ok, but is it car battery sized or whut??

O. Thanks, google (geez)

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