
Wednesday, February 22, 2023


" Typical platforming gameplay tends to be very dynamic" is an unreadable sentence from wikipedia.

Platforming...lotsa platforms in midair you jump across.

"Dynamic" whut?? It changes a lot??? My first guess, idk yet.

Dynamic=Repeated, gotcha.

But then why not just say "repetitive", you young whippersnappers with your paradigms. 

An edit I'm adding a day later:"outlier" Joe Manchin
An edit I'm adding TWO days later: Lesbian "non binary" (link)
Three days from now (25 hours) 
I'll have better pictures, maybe (I doubt it)

All that crap about the really big squid and torturing the player's brother hardly seems worth it; I might just end the game now.
But if you've played the game you already know that asari are one-sexed...that the Angaran were made, not begotten...that the kett are a mish-mosh of sexes that cannot actually reproduce.
"Non-binary" seems so inadequate, according to the (fictional) game.

If you can actually read that, let's break down the vocabulary:


"Metric"= studies and reports

"Project evaluation process" =??? Someone needs to have the balls to say it needs changing, like (for example) sticking a park in a frontline high-crime area that promotes more fronty-lines.

Metric *this*

(It's from an article about ghettos, IDK)

The google-front-page article is about rain.

You stick a park in an asphalt-jungle, many rewards (but what about the rain?)

Beeesides, "green" shouldn't mean rain-eating lawns so the metrics-person (the one who wrote the report?) wants more money for more "metrics"

Sticking lakes everywhere means the lakes turn green eventually, full of pee and slime and dead bodies.

Who tends the damn lakes?

OK whaddabout...better drainage for streets?!!! Fuck the frontlines.

No one is reading this, but *someday* they might resurrect this entry at my trial.
So rather than start a new entry,
I hate how nice girls named "Karen"-someone have morphed into those country singers who yell "Do you know who I am?!!"
Wait, I'll get the name in a second..."reese"!
Why can't they take her name, leave "Karen" alone.
But for now,

Woman who drive like it's a motto, "women first."
OK guys in Pickups do that too, is my Bias showing??

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