
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Manifestos 'n such (whatnot)


You should prolly stop reading here and at least gloss over what is written there.

Opinions are useless, and the rest of this falls under the heading of opinion.

(But who the hell decided woke sjw's were the bane of modern society?
These guys have an ax to grind and they feel so strongly they'll manifesto-you.

But legitimizing them and their causes, just makes things worse, it empowers them, like some superman-suit.


https://www.psypost.org/2019/03/study-suggests-mass-shootings-can-inadvertently-promote-the-idea-of-using-guns-to-empower-oneself-53381, yeah, what they said (in the headline, anyway)

But I'm not selling something, and if my blog ever got out the push-back would be enormous. People would argue (with walls of text and manifestos of their own) that speaking out against shootings is a personal affront to their liberties.

THIS totally amazing page shows the depths, the efforts, to live in alternate realities, and nothing will shake their faith:


ROTD (random thought of the day) http://bcb-board.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=118506

"whatnot" is a company (apparently) and "et al" prolly is too. "& shit" is prolly a biggie song.

Summary of a study I don't have access to (but maybe you could)

ROTD quote (I will look for a link)

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