
Saturday, March 25, 2023

seriously procrastinating...

 If my game were a job I'd be calling in sick.

A class, Tardy or absent.

Anyway....This blog hasn't started yet so I am not sure how it will end , or if I should quickly erase it.

But I want to google what it means for psychologists to present pictures to kids and ask them to tell a story.

If the psychologist writes every word, or just sticks the kid on a camera, IDK, it's not important to this blog.
What IS important is what the pictures are supposed to mean. Nono, not "Rorschach" 

Guns/bullets ok. Sex? Not so much
1. Outer Limits episode about a nearsighted alien
2. Elephants dancing
3. Tribal ritual.
(compos mentis?)


more like action pictures with a vague meaning, like a publicity still for the twilight-zone.


I found it but is there an answer-key?
Not that anyone is asking, it's too late for me, but save yourselves.

On the other hand, anti-woke people prolly just use lie-detector tests, it's much more scary.
three of the reasons

Plus, it might be like teachers showing films, there is no interaction, it's a break while they do their job. 
Beeeecause, your Love and death tattoos kind of give away the ending.
See?!! WHY won't you BelIEVE Me??!!!

Sleepy vs depressed,
Full of remorse or full of pee

"Add Caption"
(isn't this tons like memes?)
Aren't most memes from the mentally disturbed?
You'd think *someone* would come up with clever TAT cards that have nothing to do with the actual test, Biased and supposedly humorous.
Well, I have not found them, these are official pictures.
The ones with Trump or Obama are hiding. 

Really random ones I've left out: A man in his Longjohns is pulling on a rope.

A woman appears to be looking through a jewelry-box while looking worried at the door behind her. (That one *might* be in my head only; it isn't to be found anywhere)

Non TAT-related graphic arts:
A better (better paid) and much more bitter "blog" about the tat test

The uhm, upshot of the wordy blog (history of world and personal experience with it) was that the parents got a very vague letter requesting the kid be sent to a strict school.
Not the actual story he told which he will not retell to this day.
He's prolly afraid of the judgmentalism, hmm 

They sell the answers, not just blurt them out

"Snake Pit" material?

Man (with gun) thinks about Surgery
Out of Body experience while anesthetized
"If he Dies I'm gonna USE this here gun"
the "Rocky Raccoon song"
(Doc it's only a scratch)

Maybe no one wore surgical masks in the 30's, anyway, my vote is on the guy *thinking* about surgery. (Beeecause, he wouldn't care about masks)
That rifle-looking thing was pointed out to me, but if it IS a rifle, uhm, it's part of his fantasy (suicide, surgery)

I forgot how to hide pics, I've got a Duzy, but it's pornographic (which is fine but if you ban "A wrinkle in Time" it makes me reticent, paranoid.)Fucket

They need a new TAT, a politically correct one, so if a person doesn't know to hide their true feelings, they'll prolly be unemployed or worse.

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