
Friday, March 24, 2023

Saving the universe

 I'm about to traverse hell and high water to plant geraniums, that's my game.
I want to procrastinate for a minute to show off my "report card", the only reward I get, as anyone who plays this game well knows, because it never ends.

The Emperor (some generic "star-wars" type guy) is pissed, and that is as much of an ending as I get.

I'm not enthused. It's like school going from one insignificant grade to the next.

Imagine maybe Player gets married to Reyes, or becomes a girlfriend to Sloane, or marries Peebee...I officially die a lot.

The pictures here would be tons more meaningful if my screenshot camera wasn't busted.
Hopefully I can fix it

An ooold shot, maybe my cache is full??
I think I thought that and busted up the game good, before.
*maybe* messing with my cache caused this.
Resize Bar or maybe "above 4g/crypto" *could be wrong, IDK.

OK I don't really know what a "cutscene" is in a game, but if it is those mini-movies My game plays, then I can *almost* definitely say, that live-action shots work ok, it's those juicy cut-scene shots I'm having problems with, so I'm disabling 4g/crypto as an experiment, and this'll be continued way later.
Both cutscenes (kind of) but only one works.
The one on the left is a conversation, the right ones are supposed to be the spaceship landing.
I ended the game to change another BIOS setting but now I'm not so sure.

I don't suppose trailers of movies are copy-protected, but I'm including a random screenshot of a youtube trailer,
But ya gotta understand, screenshots worked perfectly in February, but they suck in March, after (let's see) a BIOS, OS and video-driver update.
It's like trying to find one single tree in the largest forest you can think of (and I've never been to a forest anyway)

ROTD note

If you went there and looked, the most striking thing to me is her face just before she puts a bullet in your brain.

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