
Sunday, March 5, 2023

waiting for Godot Amazon


Where are those mythical bots that retrieve orders?
I'd swear this is a staged/posed picture, but I don't work there, wouldn't know.
Robot assassinations must be a thing, in assembly plants and warehouses, maybe all the bots died.
But for this to be a blog, I need to go hunt down warehouse-bot pictures, and I won't, since this is no blog, it's random thoughts.

Funny thing, Amazon makes no Announcement of temporary closures and lockdowns, they just keep promising next-day deliveries.
I don't know...

The banking computer won't wait for Hoo-mahns, it charged my account for my video card (last payment, yay!!)
AND for my Jacket and unmentionable-sundries.

What do you suppose Amazon does with middle-management and their comely secretaries all day, do they play "Angry Birds"? Nono, I'm 20 years behind the times, when xerox machines still existed and people knew what a "mainframe" was.
My point was (and yes, I'm killing time, stfu) that middle management (and their comely secretaries) can be replaced by a report generating computer.
(I *think*)

Fukyah! It's a physical item now,
and hopefully it won't crash or get buried in the snow
 (or lost in dark space, or captured)

Hi, Time-killer here.
WHAT makes these guys "Conservative"?
The joke is on those people claiming "russia will be converted."
No, we will be, and that whole loyalty-oath thing (I haven't addressed it here yet) rankles.

They'll cheer backing Putin

Research project: if CPAC means anything in Russian

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