
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

crackpot waking dream

Google verified what I knew but didn't realize until I awoke, that you can install pumps to water plants.
The dream seemed to infer that they converted energy somehow, 1.0 to 2.0 something-biggies. So the reporter I was with was listening to me and the very mean principal I once had, who didn't know what the pumps were really for besides auto-watering.
"Back in the day they'd punish kids by forcing them to water plants for a few hours,"
I mumbled in my sleep,
which made the principal smile.

They must not be very practical, now that I am awake beeecause:
Someone somewhere owns everything everywhere, including underground water, and environmentalists would blanch, like they blanch over desalination plants.
No, unless it's an oil company, you ain't got a chance in hell of pumping anything anywhere.
If you needed a paper for school, uhm, http://rdnwaterbudget.ca/water-101/aquifers-groundwater/ but the site itself seems impractical.
Spend Zillions to get a hopefully honest contractor to drill the right kind of well, and not piss off the local Government who might eminent-domain your ass if you actually find anything useful.
No, you're pretty much fucked.

"leaky-though" is perfect spanish for something (liquid?) that they'd sell at a decent market that isn't Kroger, the greedy SOB's (I just ate a biggie bowl of beans)
Nice people shop at my supermarket, would they all move away if the supermarket changed to "El marketeria"?
The names I'm coming up with are more expensive than trader-joe's and twice as snobby.
I should be careful what I wish for.
"99 Ranch"??

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