
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Notes II

 I erased "notes"(1)
so don't go looking for it.
Mythic (stereotypical) places to live (which sounds better?)

I learned today that Wales and specifically, Cardiff, was a lousy place to live.
If some well-heeled slumlord reading this protests, I've got a few others in my head...
The Bronx,
Oakland (anywhere rappers sing about ghettos)
southeast Los Angeles
And parts of Portland Oregon.

I'm potentially insulting zillions of happy people, churchgoing folks who wouldn't hurt flies....Maybe I'll erase this soon as well.

There's this movie about Wales, street-toughs.
(link needed; ah, shit)
Will this do??
(check out their lawn)

A movie about a kid who wanted to be a professional dancer in some stereotypical neighborhood ("where's the link"?)
"My Left Foot" (the movie)
The list is prolly endless.
Basic premise, guy grows up in really shithole place, becomes rich-famous through talent and determination.
The neighborhoods they came from still suck.

Things I couldn't ever post in a forum (no one would listen or maybe they'd be all pissed)

Fallen souls die behind my steps, 
by following the Freezing Moon.
- Mayhem, "Freezing Moon"

Beware my stinky farts...I need better underwear

The play my life is in, took a bad turn yesterday, as a self-righteous lady turning straight into me nearly killed me. She wouldn't stop until I stopped, and then she remembered her driver's ed manual and let me pass. Or something, maybe she's cursing ME on a forum ("People are so stupid")

There's an intersection not too far from me, most dangerous, and (I suppose) people drive trucks.
THIS was a tiny-fucking town street, relatively speaking, and the car was small (yet deadly)

Yes, bicyclists and pedestrians are a PITA, aren't they just begging to be killed when they obey the walk sign and DARE to cross while you turn.

This list goes on forever, and it's pointless googling it
(I had a reason but I forgot)
O yeah, forums.

Notes I can't (shouldn't) type
I learned a word today, "bellend" which a guy used to fornicate with Lasagna and made the front page of a paper in the UK, because he blamed "Tesco" for his burned Bellend.

A gag post, right?
I wouldn't know, I got stuck on "bellend"
eg, a dickhead fucked a lasagna and burned his bellend (dick-head.)

I then googled cats sitting upon bells, but could not find any. (I found an eagle but that doesn't make any sense)
"Pussy sits on Bellend"

And I don't want to be bombastic but another word just came up,
"genuphilia" "Philia" = fetish of some sort, and I don't know what "genu" is, although it would explain "Genuflect."
Women crossing their perfect legs, um, in a meeting or on a bus or in a Limousine, but focusing specifically on the *knees*, according to the internet (tik-tok?) is more of a grade-school thing.

This next bit is a note having very little to do with this entry, but I might need to refer to it one day.
But if you *must* know, OK, an Alabama Senator claims that they cannot (i.e. "should not" but that would be misquoting) legislate Morality.
Uhhhh, ?

Books don't kill people, People kill people. (or something, nvm)

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