
Friday, April 7, 2023

revisionist (woke?) history


See, there was a goddess, Eostre, and she was german, and Goddess of the Dawn.

(uhm) so Anyway Eostre had magical powers and was sympathetic/pissed at a bird and turned the bird into a hare.
Unless you're Christian and then you'll argue this is all revisionist history, yada blah whatever.

The easter-egg candy thing, might have been a celebration of the end of Lent, but That part is a vague quote I saw somewhere.

The guy writes it isn't ancient, but if you gloss down a few very long paragraphs, he starts expounding upon Teutonic Tradition....And kind of contradicts what he just wrote.
I'm still reading.
Where is the Teutonic traditional text he can point to ? 
Who started making Cadbury eggs?

Ya gotta remember maybe that ancient peoples didn't stand around writing in books.
Before Disney bought everything everywhere, people told stories...
The implication is clear, that people in the 19th century made this stuff up.
But they were like us, (I think) and searched for reference material.
Ostara /Eostre 

Eostre (FU spellcheck) existed long before anything anywhere, but all that stuff about eggs and hares might have been more recent (Might not, I haven't found a decent reference yet)
Maybe the apocryphal book was banned or burned.

Burrito butt (it's on my mind right this second) But since I cannot snap the perfect screenshot in time, You'll have to imagine that I'm following a very beautiful woman that will prolly kill me very soon.
Shiny dress (so shiny)
This is a product on Amazon (believe it or not)
and you have to imagine her turned around, butt hanging out

Gorditas Blanditas these aren't, more like overpriced sheets with a print.

It isn't what's on top, but what's inside...
They keep teasing me in my game to try (in vain) to snap the perfect blog-shot....I might try again, prolly not, this is a 3AM craving you'll never hear about again.

According to my bad-math calculator, I'm currently 4.5 feet tall, but I wouldn't put too much stock in my math, and I certainly feel taller.
If I could, would it be nice to have a teeny tiny bed and burrito sheets?
nearly 5' burrito celebrities (celebrity)

My cheese says "RBST Free" or something like that. 
I just looked it up, and it's either safe or it isn't.
One more thing to hike the price.
Add nothing, *do* nothing, hike the price for your indolence.
Why can't they do more studies on "Lactaid" or are they using marketing surveys to gauge consumer response?
No milk is better than overpriced milk, (you dummies)
Sign the contract and die now,
or refuse the contract and die soon.
And the burrito lady is out of my life forever either way.
I think johnny hinted mid last-chapter, that I should refuse to sign the contract, 
He's dead and I would be too, 
and the credits are rolling, so...
Despite all my procrastinations I died real quick. (The game ended).
Become a gopher, or a tool.

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