
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

(game) "essentialism"

 essentialism, according to google, means any damned thing you want, which would put it into a set of vague words I'm collecting, if only I could remember the list.
  • Paradigm
  • ....
  • isomorphism
  • Essentialism
Wait, I have a pictoor

I get it, the word in the game is a joke from the game-writers, 
But a better question is, "Why am I here?"
WHAT do you WANT? (aka what is my goal, how do I win?)
And my total guess is, I'll be lectured on the evilness of robots and how they must all die, so I'll...
Make a moral choice.
Follow my directive and kill the lot, or run off and pick flowers (whatever)
This game doesn't get a lot of hints, lots of bombastics saying "After you do the thing" without actually telling you how.
"Kill the fat-lady-robot" from 30 feet away, would a been nice.
O! How about, "X and Y are shit", 
use your left and right bumper-buttons for lasers!!
Duh. I didn't know.
Isomorphism and essentialism (by some definitions) appear isomorphic, essentially. (They're the same word gussied up for parties)
Den vs family-room, living-room vs parlor
I'm imagining an old fashioned-type house wherein the left-hand side of the front of the house might be the parlor, and the right-hand first story, the den.
(Upstairs you'd have the bedrooms and the solarium, but I'm digressing.)
I can't speak for the reasons why so many quaint and curious words exist, they just do.
If my character is a robot, why is she wearing a party-dress, high heels and thong underwear?
If I'm supposed to be following a blip on a map (which *moves*, by the way) and they block every which way to get there (Talk about a secret sidewalk)
Maybe I should move on to the "main" quest, which is....?
Find my son
Bring me a can of oil
and other really mundane quests beneath a party-dressed robot.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Is it 3AM yet? "Avarice"

 It's a prize in my game, "A symbol of Avarice."

I've been going in circles for hours, let me digress

But what is avarice?
Wouldn't the economy collapse without it, wouldn't Apple (and samsung) go broke?
I'm missing something, avarice gives you a *&%^ job, it helps you make the payments on your house and car.

Politicians would give up and go home without it.

So, why is avarice bad?
invest or be a wicked servant (hmm)


"Thou shalt not covet" But it's on sale!
'K seriously, TBA, I'll find a professional Bombastic with all the answers.

I actually found a few, but they don't make much sense unless you read their tome.

*sigh* https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwi7lKCgp_T_AhWxI0QIHV5kA4oQFnoECAkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscholarworks.moreheadstate.edu%2Fcgi%2Fviewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1888%26context%3Dmsu_faculty_research&usg=AOvVaw2ItchW3FoIl4YGw9V8LhFh&opi=89978449

I knew *that* was coming.
Searching the tree of knowledge

Bah. Someone said the word is archaic, back in the 12 century or so. Before money became much of a thing. (Money has ALWAYS been a thing).
Maybe it's something preachers bring up before the collection-plate gets passed.

My train of thought is drifting towards words the extremely rich use to disparage the discussion of money at parties, or at dinner, but I can't think of the words, not being extremely rich.
"It isn't done" (declassee?) is all I can come up with.
They make money farting or eating quiche, so they don't approve of their Lessers discussing it in their presence.
"Money makes the world go around" but you're not supposed to sing about it.
Slaves and underpaid workers can be avaricious, saving up for freedom or the occasional vacation.

But You, Bastion, Pillar, crème de la crème, could never be avaricious, you're just providing for your business and your family.
(Yeah that about covers it): "Avarice" is relative, like time and math.


"Quiet, Unassuming" says the article title.
Something you might say About Clark Kent, a reporter for the metropolitan newspaper, but with powers and abilities far beyond mere mortals.
Is power sexy?

You get punished if you click too many times on Steam...I'm in virtual Jail

(for the crime of Avaricing "nier Automata" which already includes the 4.99 DLC but I didn't know that.
"Ignorance of the Law is no excuse", yeah well, Have a nice day.
Killing the final boss and his dancer-giant wasn't good enough, this game just won't die.
Got the Basin of Blood, killed the %$# monsters, DIE already.
O. Steam Jail opened up.
Bye, you undead thing.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

cosmic questions: how much power does a PC Power supply need?

 OK I'll state what I know:

The combined total of ALL voltages output is the advertised wattage.

So a 3.3,5v, yada-newfangled volts, and 12 volts *combined* equal 1000 watts (in a "1000 watt" PC Supply.

That's the *output*.

But what is the *input*????
Cosmic question!!!
Beeeeecause, reddit and Stack exchange start talking coulombs and phases.

So my idea, (OK this is totally wrong, it'll void your warranty, etc)

calculate 12V-amps at the advertised wattage, which would be 1/10 the amps at 120 volts, and add a fudge figure (20%).


1000/12=(watts divided by output volts) is amps, divide those amps by 10, add a fudge figure of 20%.

83.33333 amps at 12v (let's say "85")

divided by 10 is 8.5 amps, if your PC were on fire and calculating "PI" to the last digit (like in an episode of "Star trek") and running "Furmark".

http://www.numberworld.org/y-cruncher/ (which would be useless without some reliable way to measure current at your outlet) Plus, I am not aware of any study or list that tells you *which* benchmark(s) use the most power, for testing purposes

8.5 amps times 120 is (uhm) 1020 watts.
Go figure.

Add 20% of 1020 and get 1200, that's a lotta watts!

But your PC is prolly reading this and on twitter and looking at kitties, so....

I was curious, what gauge wire do electrical contractors and engineers like, for a 15A (fifteen-amp) circuit.

They said "12 Gauge" except for home depot, which likes selling more wire (fuckem).

Could you sleep soundly in this house??

Scarier but same concept:

I don't trust my own math, plus I'm thinking "No WAY that's right" so I'll find a site agreeing with me, who writes more prettily.

This is relevant beeecause:

You wanna rent out your college-kid's bedroom or the attic in your garage, to some poor unfortunate attending your church, and they have several appliances and a big PC.
How much rent should you charge, what's the average electricity bill gonna go up by?
YOU don't reveal your calculations to the tenant, some reasonable amount plus a fudge figure, and if they use less, you're happier, and if they use more, you calculated wrongly.

The little old lady using (o, let's say) a 500Watt supply from before her husband died, who loves to play feature rich games and stream soaps, might appear to use less than the kid using 1000w because his video-card says to, so you'd judiciously charge the kid way more, even though he might (conceivably) use way less because his power supply is more efficient and his games less demanding.
(well it gets complicated, f*ckin nevermind)

Prettier, much more bombastic:https://www.cgdirector.com/how-to-check-pc-power-consumption/

The problem is, sites emphasize the output power and sort of gloss over the input, 
But if my math is anywhere *close* to being accurate, the inputs and outputs are roughly equal, adding a small amount of fudge for fudging (or dew yew want a lecture on efficiency?)

That's cold, "$432" a year?

suppose you had a store card tied to some bank.
The store promises interest free if you pay within an agreed-upon time,
But you use your card to buy smaller, less expensive stuff with no such agreement.
Does that nullify the entire "Interest free for X months" offer?
Yes, apparently.
I was just charged $20 on an $800 balance. What is that APR?
Did I misread the agreement? 
I doubt (now) that they charge interest separately on different items,
But the one that broke the agreement was something for $50.
20 for $50 sounds high, so I am thinking that it applies to the whole balance of 800, because I charged a little thing.
So there *was* no agreement on the card, only on the item I bought at first, and I guess buying anything else voids it and puts the card into trashy-town.
Let me use my anemic little math skills and totally guess it's around 30-percent interest (I can always edit this) and if I keep buying little crap stuff, they'll keep upping the interest.
two point five percent a month, for twelve months

One of the greatest inventions since sliced bread are finding the clickbait pictures the front page of google shows you, larger and clearer.
The Pics usually have nothing to do with the news/feature but are cute enough to get you to click on it, in vain hopes of seeing the larger photo.
Love it and despair!! The article almost never has the photo, 
which was a stock / advertising photo in the first place.
Clickbait (magnified), something about AI.

The actual picture (Or whatever) has nothing to do with AI,  and more with Marketing something. 

In the first (tiny) pic, it's so small that the furniture blends into the model, giving her an enormous backside. (Just saying)

Saturday, July 1, 2023


 Dark souls 3, some jotted notes:
Most people don't use a freakin blog to take notes, but notepad kind of sucks.
Anything else I use would switch out of the game, and I'm terrible at texting.
OK, "Elden Ring" looks exactly the same, which means many puzzles ahead, and circuitous routes, and I prolly die a lot.
The tenth time I play will be better than the first, and I'll eventually tire of the routes and buy something else, not that I should pre-judge 5 minutes into the game.
It appears to be in Black-and-white with splashes of color to let you know the monitor still works. 
I'm um, undecided; I *love* the tutorial, but eventually I'll have to play for real.
Since I stare at my character's body for most of the game, I maybe should learn more about how to shape her.
Eyes tilted in or out, what does that mean?
Can she be Japanese (Korean, whatever) or not?
If she's dead, why is she wearing lipstick and Eyeshadow, was there a "viewing"?
Doomed to kill monsters for no particular reason...I pressed a button and missed the opening narrative, and I have absolutely no clue why I'm there or how I got there.
Kill more monsters, travel to some damned temple (prolly)...
BTW this was 29.95, not 59.95 like it was last week. 
Is that good?
Or is it unpopular and lonely so they stuck it on sale.
I can't remember if it was actually 59, or was it 39...regardless, it's on sale.
People (on forums like reddit) say that they liked "Bloodborne" better, then others (to be contrary?) say *this* is superior. 
I gotta go, no way to pause definitively, I'm in a mini-menu and hoping that menu freezes some of the action,,,,
But I can't remember Elden Ring very well. Was everyone dead there too?
Lots less Ghoulish, as I recall, and I don't.
This IS Elden Ring, they just changed a few things. 
I just looked up the word "Lugubrious" which translates out to sad and dismal.
There's a reason they don't just say "sad" or "dismal" but when you think up lugubrious, this game should come to mind.
Pointless, already doomed forever anyway, close to death.
I seem to recall very boring parts of that game,
but at least it had a map (I think.)
This game is much harder to figure out and to follow via google's walkthroughs.
Go to some high wall, hang a banner, says the old lady (Emma-something.)
I can't find *anything* and all the walls are high.
Look *behind* the statue covered with an adorable blanket, trigger the creepy catholic-funeral music, kill all the clerics and their boss, get a doll.
(OK, *now* what?)

Ooo, trendy
looks down on all mortals while eating her vegan salad.

Using cheats sort of defeats the purpose, I suppose, which is begging for the next upgrade in armor and a longer sword. Your purpose in life is to kill dead stuff, to resurrect the CEO's who killed everything in the first place, while your fellow slaves hang around some castle and think up pithy clever things to say when you come by.
And the mission of reviewers and youtubers and reddit denizens is to talk a lot but not reveal very much.
Someday I'll figure out a consistent way to summon screenshot-capabilities,
but for now that function is dead.


I wanna refund (but I can't get one)
Maybe they're having a sale and I can covet something
I'll imagine I'm some oiled-up slave pleasing the mistress
(you're welcome)

At least he knew quo vadis and there were sexy scenes/

But seriously, "Nier automata" looks OK, despite her being a robot, but I guess that gets the game past the clerics and the self-righteous.
"Puss n Boots"-something is prolly more their cup of tea.
His magical power would be, gigantic eyes "These are not the kitties you're looking for."
Well, %$#@, I'm gonna go for it.
Nier, not the imaginary pussy game.

Don't insult game writers, telling them their game is linear.
Beeecause then you get insane shit like this.
Those critics are truly insane anyway, writers, don't listen to them.
A plot would'a been nice, I'm just saying, no offense intended....
I'll invent my own.
You're dead and have been recruited into the undead army of nice people (and naive people who missed the opening speech)
Donde esta el "escusado"?

OK, forget I asked.

Forget Lore, Follow the monsters (except in this game they don't stay dead)
Stick to well lit areas (it's pretty dark throughout)
And never Jump too far down (Secret-sidewalk rule)
Monsters have an unfair advantage so you must be clever (or google the crap out of it)
You're supposed to be able to heal in action, but I haven't figured that part out yet.
You can't/shouldn't diss something you know nothing about, so right off I'm transgressing; Someone labored countless hours over rats, bugs and slime...
Lemme predict the ending, a guy gives a speech, I get better clothes, music swells, end.
Ranty of the day: People take a nice idea and stretch it out, take it too far.

All games make you submit to rules and a plot, usually to fetch items and kill for the master.

Suppose the "Master" was a hypnotically beautiful female? 

Buuut no, only women should be submissive, 
and those that are not should be huge.

But then the train of thought got all political, 
people worship the wrong things (Cats, Politicians

and no, you're not hiring some janitor to change litter boxes and clean birdcages, it's a fun role (It's supposed to be)
But you went too far.