
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

(game) "essentialism"

 essentialism, according to google, means any damned thing you want, which would put it into a set of vague words I'm collecting, if only I could remember the list.
  • Paradigm
  • ....
  • isomorphism
  • Essentialism
Wait, I have a pictoor

I get it, the word in the game is a joke from the game-writers, 
But a better question is, "Why am I here?"
WHAT do you WANT? (aka what is my goal, how do I win?)
And my total guess is, I'll be lectured on the evilness of robots and how they must all die, so I'll...
Make a moral choice.
Follow my directive and kill the lot, or run off and pick flowers (whatever)
This game doesn't get a lot of hints, lots of bombastics saying "After you do the thing" without actually telling you how.
"Kill the fat-lady-robot" from 30 feet away, would a been nice.
O! How about, "X and Y are shit", 
use your left and right bumper-buttons for lasers!!
Duh. I didn't know.
Isomorphism and essentialism (by some definitions) appear isomorphic, essentially. (They're the same word gussied up for parties)
Den vs family-room, living-room vs parlor
I'm imagining an old fashioned-type house wherein the left-hand side of the front of the house might be the parlor, and the right-hand first story, the den.
(Upstairs you'd have the bedrooms and the solarium, but I'm digressing.)
I can't speak for the reasons why so many quaint and curious words exist, they just do.
If my character is a robot, why is she wearing a party-dress, high heels and thong underwear?
If I'm supposed to be following a blip on a map (which *moves*, by the way) and they block every which way to get there (Talk about a secret sidewalk)
Maybe I should move on to the "main" quest, which is....?
Find my son
Bring me a can of oil
and other really mundane quests beneath a party-dressed robot.

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