
Monday, August 7, 2023

TBA (maybe)

 5900x (in memoriam) Can I suppose that the "promotional credit" promised, is a *percentage* of some amount?
A minor deduction anyway, from the promised amount in their email.
5950x "A new beginning"
And a really long lead-time, for whatever reason.

The gift-card was added to the promotional-credit, and I paid the difference.
Item(s) Subtotal X
Shipping and Handling $0.00
"Courtesy credit" -y

Total before Tax X-y

If it was delivered, it went to the wrong place. 
In other words, it never arrived.
Update, a really nice neighbor placed it quietly at my doorstep, or Amazon felt remorse and came back to right their wrong, *You* choose.

Until the part is installed, 
THEN maybe I'll write more.

It's been Installed, but it's too soon to say "Successfully" without many more tweaks and secret recipes, handed down from people who've moved on (to the 7000-series)
Is the temperature more nervous? Does it seem to eventually sit its ass down to a comfortable idle nearly identical to the 3950(RIP)?

Not just "B2", VMR B2, a cut above 
(0r below, I gotta go read stuff)

right around yesterday I ran Cinebench R20, but after that I got so morose, I must have erased it.
Well I ran it again, and the temperature is the same as it was.
In other words, no, it doesn't run hotter, (not yet, anyway,) and maybe the new heatsink helps
But why should I lay off 16 cores, leaving them to die like dogs, ... ?
I ran it again with the rehires:

Unfortunately SVM NX and a few other fatcat hangers-on are running as well, grr.

The biggie one I've been afraid to run is Timespy, because I keep thinking I forgot some tweak or voltage level.
Damn Torpedoes, right?
Excellent first run, did I forget anything?
Of course I must've, so it's even more encouraging

So nothing spectacularly different nor hotter, so far.
It's very much the same, and you could convince someone that you changed, if you could hack the CPU-names.
But I got off my butt and got a better heatsink, one I'm liking a lot.
The only test left is Prime95, a really teeny run. (I always run teeny, it works or it doesn't since I don't torture.)

3dmark is no girl (with long tresses and long summery dresses)
But she treats you like an angel from heaven one day, and a pig the next
("That'll do, pig")
And so, filled with compassion and regretting my laying off workers ("Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons??") I rehired everyone everywhere (Hail, hail, the gang's all here)
And it wasn't as slow as I thought.
"God bless us, every one"

With the CPU-change, device security in Windows 11 might raise an eyebrow, and in fact it seems to waffle between unworthy and enhanced-worthy. It does not offer any specifics (enable NX in BIOS, enable SVM?)
(Clear the new fTPM??)
no, it (the wise-ones)
Seem to lean towards buying a new computer or reinstalling.
External TPM (if you're into that) is the only thing working


Some Bigwig is having a brain-fart

The TPM can be cleared, never actually prepared, 
and "Attestation" (so far) is unavailable, but (it says) I *could* scramble my disk.

's true, I'm on a beta but I thought they cleared this up a year ago.
(self righteous indignation (the nerve! The Gall! The Audacity!)
So, not just Grandpa's Ftpm

The people who know this stuff are incredibly bombastic, and don't know about bottom-lines. 

(A train is coming, you're on tracks, what to do? read the history of railroad tech)

The ones who DON't know will hit you with aphorisms disclaimers and distantly related good advice (you'll know these people by the zillions of posts and the MVP/Know-it-all title)
Given a specific Brand of CPU/motherboard they'll demand you contact the manufacturer, who are factory workers (build it and they will buy) or investors.
No one you can actually contact knows 
(they're filthy rich and living in Aruba)
but I think I read somewhere that only the company whose computer you were using might care, and since you're unemployed,
 *no one cares,*
it's just another dig windows can throw at you. (think, guy with british accent saying something caustic and dismissive)
666 (mark of beast) just sayin'

You could prolly steal a DTPM over the boss's lunch-break, but taking the FTPM (inside a CPU) would be impossibly hard. 

what am *I* hoping to do with it??
Scramble disk drives? (Lol) You Can't be seerious
OK then, Attestation, if anyone asks (ever, at all)

The exclusionary tactics make sense (sort of) if you break it down to computer ID's wanting to use a secret-club network, or to watch a movie they paid for.

Moving on: SVM and NX.
SVM is tons easier to enable but the jungle-drums say, it slows stuff down.
Vague benefits ("core isolation,") predictable results.
NX mode is a little less clear, and only truly eveil hackers know how it works, I think. It's weird that ordinary users are given these choices, without any substantial explanations.
"Buffer overruns" are foiled, so a carefully crafted message won't leak into command-territory. (I guess)
"who're you gonna vote for?" with an empty box five characters long, might be used to take over an operating system if the box has no limits, but NX stops that (I've been told).
See now, say something simple and easy and get stuff thrown at you. 
*I* don't know, Don't care: NX is "On" and "SVM" is off, and the tests are forthcoming.
My video card sounds like (I dunno) rocket engines test-firing, I gotta stop running "timespy" every damn day.
I'm addicted to the scores, I pine for "great" but I'll prolly break something soon, which might be the point (so's I'll buy something new)

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