
Sunday, August 27, 2023

RIP Gortash & Co

The  first playthrough I killed Gortash relatively easily. Orin couldn't be found.
Now Orin died easily, Gortash was really-really hard (and super boring, I swear I fell asleep
Then the Big Brain goes on the air with a stereotypical evil woman voice.

Real women (In PTA's) don't have manly voices, just good lawyers.

Eyes too pretty, voice slightly highish

Evil gigantic brain is feminine-sounding, without much of a vocabulary (I never hooked up her brain, should I have??)

Decolletage....that skin you show in between your far-apart breasts. I'll edit this as soon as I look up the word, 
O, I see you have a decollete dress exposing your decolletage; your power will become manifest when you rule the board room. (Lower your voice)

But watch any 40's movie or some disney, and you'll see, evil women are older and talk lower.

OK back to work (or to bed) and when I've finally killed everyone everywhere in this game I can celebrate it here.

I think it's stuck.
"4 turns" away and this thing ends
(but it never ends, we're doomed)

It's over. yay.

Ok I'll buy another game.

Nice homey profitable game

I like the little scene where the mindflayer-girl dresses up all sexy and waits to be hugged. Lotta explanations go with that, otherwise it's all "He likes Mindflayers."
Fuck, judgmental plus I didn't write the damn game. But I am specifically referring to her outfit, 

a sort of a very loose fitting jumper for women on honeymoons. 
Which is odd considering where they are, but this is a dream sequence, the flayer is horny, etc.
If I can't find a pic online I'll post a pic in a couple days.

yes, but only the outfit.
The photographer has way-different fetishes.

note for later:
"craven" is a noun meaning coward, but why say it at all. 
I'm still looking for the reason and this is my reminder.

One (the links are too vague so far) can have a craven desire (for cake.)
Craven must have originally meant something ("defeated") that novelists and writers morphed into something else.
The modern word appears to be "gay"
They even made a PSA commercial about it, but they must've burned it for "woke"
Thou shalt not be craven, gay nor woke.

  • Start the game from steam
  • Start from the game's splash page
  • continue from the game's page "press any key"
  • Continue after that ("continue")
  • A whole lotta wasted time meaning nothing except mouse clicks.

Another note:
A cautionary poem, maybe not even a poem but a rhyming sentence, 
warns of a very narrow gap between the tongue and the something (lips, hips, eternal damnation)
Google never heard of it.
No...maybe it's a gossip poem.

That's the one, I think.

I guess people like farmer poems better.
And here I thought it was about weight. (lips to hips)
"Tongue" doesn't rhyme with anything.

PS relevant to the game:
That "submersible" has lockable doors. Use them as much as possible because monsters of the deep cannot open them.
I don't know why, but the first time I played submariner it was dead easy. This time it was very difficult until I found out about the doors.
I think I lost a few but according to the game, most were saved.
Now all's I gotta do is rip up a factory. 
Something tells me I'm doing that wrong too.

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