
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

TBA2 (and stuff)

My dinky picture says my CPU runs at maybe "4668" but it dances lower than that.
My offset is -0.0625, and the rest is too close to stock to mention (SOC,etc)
Right now it's running that benchmark that asks, "How fast can your kid run in a circle" as opposed to the whole damn thing.
I need to seriously google, is it Hungry? (for volts) 
Does it have a fever? (71C seems good)
Is it a "backwards" child? (?? 4600mhz?)
Did I mention the dreaded behemoth "Ryzen master" is also running, and this here browser, so maybe my figures are a little off.
Ahh, normalcy!
Wait, so I'm OK (you're OK) I have to watch it doing *nothing* for a bit.

One (gasp) last Duty to perform....
The "Idle" test, where it sits and doesn't fall into a coma from a light nap,
(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) actually I misspoke, I don't want it to "nap" at all, but 
forgetting history-of-world stuff, I mean to say that, if I have most of the voltages in BIOS within a range, it won't stroke out.

This will get seriously edited if you see it at all (apologies in advance)

For example, a nice quest might be, "Max volts" beecause, it seems to choose its own voltage, within a range. Mine is 1.41-1.431, slightly alarming.

Or is it?
I only have the 3950 to compare it to, my other CPU's being too ancient and too far away.

(picture of opinion here)

This is very boring, unless there's some creeping incipience that I should be aware of (thermal migration, red menaces etc)

Run a thing, check voltages, gotcha.

First my video-card, now this CPU, seem to run too high if left to their own devices, damn overclockers.

Whut? Blffm (zzzzz)
My load is low.
(🎵swing low, sweet TFN)
My 3950 was very happy with a -0.05 offset, -0.0625 ran but made it uneasy.
NOW this 5950x seems to like -0.0625 the way some people like hot chili, I don't understand it but whatever.

I might ramble on (onner, more on ) later about SVM and NX, to please the Harpy that is windows (nag-nag-nag-nag-nag) but it's only temporary, I'll put them on for show until I get the "enhanced" imprimatur, then shut them down forever.
"Attestation ready" (now what)
(Link) no end to the eviltudeness (TPM,yada, they'll chew through the locks and crow about it.)
So, *not* me, I'm vulnerable, well &^%$#, *Thanks*, Microsoft $#@!

 I'm so confused. whut?
Yeah, they came up with fixes, for the upper-crust (Dell, Lenovo,) but what about this TPM?
Is it cockroach-food?
Are there no errors because I can't hear them?
An example from online:
So is it self delusion to think Mine is error free?
But wait, "IFX version...(I still need to find anyone with my IFX-version)"
*Might* be sufficient.

x.63.3353 OK?
Please ignore my "5" to their "7"

Windows nags me (NAGS me) every few seconds that "credential-Guard" is not licensed.
Listen to this here hacker:
Talks real slow so backwards-type people will understand,
That an automatic update is downloaded (For a device I didn't have?)
And WHEN that update is downloaded, it'll nag that the TPM is vulnerable.
What is the name of the update?(Or, how do I know I have the nag-update?)
No, I don't have a "surface," Lenovo Nor Dell. Sorry.
I'm confused, "Infineon" makes the chip, supposedly, but I doubt they'd give me firmware (one never knows, though)
Not so much that anyone would be interested in anything I have, but my proving that I am Me just got more difficult.
And, all this stuff may have been automatic (the computer took an age to boot up when it was first plugged in) but I doubt it.

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