
Thursday, September 21, 2023

dialog blocking

 The TLDR of Microsoft's "Dialog Blocking Service" is that

It's a service (duh)

It comes disabled. (why include it and then disable it?)

It probably interferes with the chosen apps who want to push messages. But that's a total guess.

Or it's a bear-trap. A "what does this do?" disaster waiting to happen.

Speaking of "blocking".....
BG3 became a lot more politically correct lately, bowing to the whims of the book burners.

I kind of doubt they had stretchy material for underwear and bras back then...
No one has a gun but the tailors are state-of-the-art.
The *useful* info is from quora/reddit as usual, and they say to dump all the underwear before the scene starts. 
(and for the terminally immersive, if the magic pixies can bury the bodies and remove all the blood, they can certainly remove any hashmarks from armor from going "commando.")

It's a very recent development.
These patch-happy guys will prolly patch the patch and this entry will be irrelevant.

For the rest of the game you have to be psychic or an avid googler, and it's pointless.
Bye, game (for now)

One million copies =50 million (almost), times ten, equals 500 million.

For tax purposes they prolly lost zilllllions, but it's a lot of money going somewhere.

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