
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Natural Selection

Natural desire to be hegemonious. (no that's the GOP, sorry)
what....homogenized? (homogeneous)
 Real estate: pick some dwelling close to *your kind*, assuming you have funds.
Pick a breeding partner based upon certain genetic characteristics.
More rich successful types have lordosis.
OK I'm FOS butt....
Desirable characteristics might be morphed by religion and country-mandates.
(Only rich marry rich, in their political stratum, in their particular location)
Anyway, slight Lordosis (as I will prove in the next 60 seconds or abandon this research project) is a desirable trait passed down from desirable ancestry.

Desirable traits being multitudinous, (her mind, her heart, her acne, the shape of her nose, her religion, her father,) Lordosis is minor. Rotating pelvises (like some hypnotic clock) are in there somewhere (and breastesses, gotta have breastesses), uh, I'm drifting...

Feeling like you wanna be alone? Isolophilia?



A country with nice people, surrounded by real a-holes.

Reading their topical politics is like reading an advanced book on Quantum-physics, but people (messed-up people) mess with them tons.



Imaginary Captain Picard grilled his engineers about the time-space thingy they sort of accidentally invented (shoot a trillion volts through it, that'll show them)
And he wanted to know, WHY in the current universe would they design an unstoppable machine that could not be shut down with one single switch????


In case, you know, of an accident.
Or bugs fouling the system,

or the switches being so incredibly hard to reach, they sort of gave up, forever,
Paying a trillion-dollar electric bill for something they couldn't, wouldn't use.
("cuz we're craaaaazy!!") came to mind.
cuz (lol) what if they crash the game (haha) just before player leaves the planet (ROFL) and has to start over AHAHAH!!!

"My god, it's full of stars!!" You're prolly too young to remember that movie...

anyway that's my current position, in the "Unity" imitating "Dave" or whoever.

If my bot were with me he'd prolly freak.

Wait, so the evil-dude smoking-guys in 2001(the movie) wanted something secret.

Yeah so the game does too. I'm sorry I can't remember what the secret was in 2k+1

Now I remember, the movie made no sense whatsoever but it had cool special effects.
The *second* movie made a LOT more sense; That shark-beach guy went off to find answers, and was told in no uncertain terms to leave (a certain planet, "Europa?") alone,
Nowadays hackers hacking into the space-station terminals must be a trivial thing:
My possessions and everyone I knew?

But I'm being unfair, I got a powerful vaccination today and (see above)

I don't really know if my usual temp of 97.4 being 100.0 means my temp on that fancy ear thermometer (the "97.4" one) is actually higher, but I'm bad at math.
98.6-97.4 is (uh) 1.2, so (in theory) I have a 101.2 temp, on a plain-old-glass thermometer.
And will Tylenol with Codeine help or kill me?
Baldur's gate 3 has no plus-powers or foreknowledge, only Google.
I wanna be the biggest badass, sacrificing life and love for dexterity.
I'll be back.
Well actually, I know (sort of) to be a human-eldritch knight, and I don't know what an eldritch is, but I don't care, I won the last playthrough.

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