
Thursday, October 19, 2023

transitory thought: photograph enlargements.

 A movie from the late-seventies hinged on a guy with a photographer-hobby, enlarging a photograph to incredibly-huge, and in doing so, showed details the original photograph could not see.

Cop shows do it a lot, instantly enhancing photos to read license plates, and discern reflections in mirrors.

How much is this magic program that brings out details?


Unfortunately people contradict each other, and the examples are poor.
Real life photos as opposed to redrawn anime.
So, OK, back to my subject: I won't be reading any license plates soon but can I sharpen up the woman in the photo? In my mind's eye she's very young and worried, but she could also be an older professional (She's pointing her blurry phone at her target-newsmaker.)

Easy to blurry-up photos
(They could have just cropped it better; nvm)

Transitory blog-entries that are not worthy to grace your sensibilities:
President JORDAN? (Lyman)

If a Mccarthy could become Speaker, why not President Jordan?
While we're at it, where is Rep. J Birch?

The link below is much too obscure and bombastic, but a much shorter version is in my head (sort of) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sUwVwntrcM

I lost my collectible Sweatshirts from Trump-Tower (the giftees died)

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