
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

(ble? series) PCR7 incomprehensibles, Part XVi


Why windows disparages and is dismissive of a desktop PC:

It uses lots of energy, ready for anything (AKA no "modern-standby")

This (rather "woke") technology ensures your little PC can shut down at a moment's notice, and re-awaken.

To reduce the dismissiveness, I would need to shut down my display, and go to sleep once in a while.

My power-plan: Turn off the PC when not in use.

ERP to assuage any pangs of guilt, please the wife, etc
Now go away, ugly little man, you are not worthy 


 USB selective suspend (aka my mouse and maybe a flash drive) is disabled because, when it's enabled, stuff would break.
Countless recommendation sites tell you to disable selective suspend.

You can't be PCr7 unless you own a laptop, that's my conclusion.


Having a Desktop PC completely snore (no fans) would eventually destroy the Power supply, if (for example) a USB printer and a USB-Powered scanner were hooked up, because the teeny parts powering to the best of their ability (2, 2.5 amps?) would slowly burn up.

I like heatsinks too, but people put too much faith in them.

Related (I think): link 

Also PPSS:

The 3dmark program doesn't like it when you enable all the safety-checks in BIOS and the power-management utilities in windows.
One might wonder if a system can still hold its head up in polite 3dmark society*, or be condemned to be slower than a Laptop?

TBA (I'll try to paste the slowed-down, enfeebled, hobbled result)

Damn-near every benchmark available everywhere shows your past results easily,
but not 3dmark, it compares you to drooling overclocking zombies (living in very cold rooms)

But 3dmark DOES record the results, sticking them somewhere on the hard drive, using up space like skeletons in a closet, not telling you they exist or where.
(they exist, I've seen them)

...O...Anyway, this result is a lot better than "real bad", maybe it's a tuesday or something.
*"Polite society," The post-sunset crowd, walking their dual-custody charges past the abandoned bank after dark, or squeeeeezing in to buy yogurt at the supermarket.
I'm more the "6AM" strata but I forget my place sometimes and do a quick dash into their milieu

ERP might mess up ERP (see below)

So dual paradigms that are very different but mesh (sort of)

I can't talk like a business salesperson...They want you to BUY STUFF every few years, so they throw out a few acronyms and then conclude you're not worthy ($10000, please)

Front-page-bottom news (or maybe it's an ad)


If only hackers used their brains for goodness...

I'm convinced it's a real bad idea to store passwords on a browser, a worse idea to sync them across the internet.
If a person can convince whoever that they are really you, they gain access to all of your sync'd passwords.

Well, the remark from way out there is only because it was a headline on some page.

If I kill a bug on my keyboard, 
right away Microsoft pops up with some arcane feature I've never heard of.
I could probably spend all day looking for the shortcut, or just kill another bug.
Anyway... Boring foods I have to eat...My stomach must be studying to be a monk or the dalai Lama , because every year the food it objects to gets bigger, and the food it tolerates, smaller.
The most boring foods do not interest me (cucumber/zucchini squash) and I would much rather have Broccoli or cauliflower, or both, but the internet blanches, 
"NO! nononono."
Also they hate beans.
I'd buy tapioca (recommended) but since I cannot drink milk....and the non-dairy substitutes have soy....
I'm sick of avocados, overpriced BS things, unless I'm standing there. They beckon, 
"only two for $5." or is it, TWO for only $5"
OKOK, 2 for $6

I'd like bananas but they get old quick, attract even More bugs.
OK what's left?
Fried ones would set off the alarm...but yeah, I've a hankering for very browned potatoes.
I used to love hash browns...I still do, but they're expensive and I'm nearly broke.

I bought (don't sue me) "Gummies" which is prolly trademarked, so I didn't know they were gummies.
 I was hoping for little cakes or nut-clusters.
They're a lot more like some snooty brand of chewy candy.
This pisses me off just a little, enough to put an entry here.
Are they nutritious enough to satisfy hunger? Are they candy with a different paradigm?? (They were super vague about what they actually were.)
"Welch's Fruit snacks" (not gummies, not candy)

My little bag of super-expensive walnuts taste like Nothing, I swear,
This is an impossibility, even popcorn has a flavor, so am I ill/dying?
Or is this the new style, flavorless walnuts to go with the flavorless avocados.
I'll toast Them!! In tons of grease My stomach will have a shit-fit over.

A different Brand.
Flavorless walnuts are Real!
The truth is out there!
("PASTEURIZED" badly, hmm)
Different brand, different nut:

'K, uh, I'll know what to buy next time ("diamond"), not because of the unrelated (snooty) ad above, but because Diamond walnuts always tasted good to me. 
THIS bag is like clumps of sand in my mouth.
THIS bag is "Happy belly" Brand, and it sucks.
My writing is terrible today. 
Does pasteurization destroy flavor? Some say "yes."
Do expensive brands taste better? Sometimes.
(or maybe there's some new free-range law I was unaware of)
Actually yes, there is.
Only it's very couched in obfuscating language.
It costs more now than before to "handle" walnuts, whatever that means.
Biggie brokers with gigantic warehouses and trucks, get a bigger cut.
(I think.)
It is no longer necessary to certify walnuts,
(nuts need not be certifiable)

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