
Monday, November 20, 2023

(Less) Boring Game III: Psychology


Whoever wrote that was very bombastic, but another article on the same subject was purposefully vague.
Suicidal? no, but they *could* be, and it's related (whut?!!)

They feel "numb" (bullshit)...

Tourettes is related too, and while you're at it, let's toss in autism. (OK forget autism)

OK nevermind, but (while you're still there) what about Tattoos?

Not the one your grandad has, the faded green one, but the sharp black ones, to go with the piercings.

I met a beautiful Muslim woman who had a piercing through her nose, and people wondered what she did with it when she had a cold.
Contrast that with the actor on some crime show with tattoos covering his arms (a stereotypical low-life unsub.)

WTH is an unsub? I keep looking and then I forget, is that dementia or do I just suck at memory the way I suck at math?

Hang on (dammit)

"Unknown subject" as if "perp" was too good for them.
Style vs psychoses, I *knew* I was going somewhere and saying something, it just takes a while for all the pieces to settle.

This next bit is from

an older entry, or it *would* be, if I thought it was worth it to edit.
I don't think so.
After writing how annoying the Front Page People are (Paltrow et al.)
I gave up and wanted to add a slightly psychological twist on an egg promo site.
They want you to see the carefully posed pictures of BROWN eggs (no white eggs)
and then they say, towards the bottom,
Eat eggs

If you had people over for Breakfast, wouldn't you wanna put Hardboiled Brown Eggs into your Cocotte, and a rock-sea-salt grater (or the package the salt came in) on the table? And a cruet of EVOO?
And the sea-salt should be pink (Shouldn't it?) (IDK, I haven't been studying my Pretentious trends lately
In or around 1971, an elitist-type wrote that Americans despise Brown eggs, as opposed to the British, who prefer them.
I suspect a few Hollywood actresses grew up believing this, but I can't be sure.
There's eye-winking afoot, a secret-societal knowledge of the Brown egg arcana that I am not aware of (yet, which is what google is for, to enlighten me.)
But that rogue train of thought is nowhere else in this entry, unless I edit it in at some future date.
Ghetto eggs given as charity to children were white; Villages in the UK long to be more pastoral and prefer brown (I think that summarized this useless article; I'll look for more organically grown ones.)

It just occurred to me, celebrities who show their refrigerator, their food and their house not only get promo fees (for the food, refrigerator and the house) but they can possibly claim a gigantic tax deduction.

Manchin should let us tour his coal mine. 

But I shouldn't knock celebrities, who donate to worthy causes, and eat more nutritious food because they're setting an example. 

(I was following trains that magically appear during boring parts of games (I'm looking at you, "Freecell"-level 731 (that'sa lotta trains!!)

The front-page publishers use the wrong celebrities (I'm thinking), 

it's more psychologically pleasant to wake up to Anne Hathaway or Nina Garcia Or (insert very rich reserved male stars of your choice here, an unfinished train for me "Who WAS that guy?")Max Von Sydow (before your time, nevermind)
(eg, "What does Anne Hathaway eat? or is she an angel, and eatless")

A distant cousin of famous women (and men) touting something or some cause,
is "Product placement", placing brand-name articles in their job, which is movies and singing gigs.
Well, anyway.....

This is prolly a bad example, you know a MAGA-hat way more than you know Skmei watches, (and no, I did not misspell, judgy spellchucker)

Dorky hats and dorky-hats worn backwards, are way more famous with tools (lemmings, puppets/sheep) sporting a company logo.
(now please tell me, there isn't a brand called "dorky")

Before my generation, Fedoras, and After, Dorky hats.
(we experimented recreationally with woolen caps, and (nameless shower-cap-looking things (Durags?) , and forks stuck stylishly) O FURIO, NVM)

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