
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Arcane 2 "The Phone"

 This *could* be an expansive and huge blog about the phones throughout recent history, or I could just boil it down to a question or two.
The question-or-two version is less satisfying but much easier to read.

OK first, what built-in games or doo-dads does a new phone have?
No one speaks about them, except how they dislike the temp-sensor (I'm putting those remarks into the square-vs-round-corners pile)

What has the highest rating within a group? (of Pixel-phones, for example)?

The critics panned thicker phones even though they have (in principle) more room for batteries.
If a phone is foldable they drool.
(OK this wasn't meant to be a rant against critics, eveil spawns of Satan though they be)

The Pixel 7A is Pixel's maiden aunt, the ugly sister, and you wouldn't buy one to be trendy, but....

It's cheap.
Real cheap, if I am reading the ad correctly (Probably not)

0 down, 0 a month,+$49.99(or so)

0 down, 0 a month,
For PIXEL 8 PRO??!!!
OMG (omg)
I need to diet anyway
Except, in reviews, people have either hardened their snarky little hearts, or the 
Pixel 7a (the "ugly sister," remember?) is a better phone.

It's do-able, assuming the rate for the phone is true, not tied to excellent credit and a plan or another line. Which it is:

The actual price for me personally.
So forget it.

So yeah, more research is needed. A separate financing plan from Amazon, or maybe the knowledge of when The Pixel-phones go on sale to current customers of T-Mobile.
"Snapdragon 8 Gen 3" to be trendy but the selection is dismal even looking at phones that haven't been made yet.
I don't give a rat's ass, but I'd like more RAM, more SD-Memory-room (especially considering I could only afford the 128gb models)
And LESS bloatware, or at least BETTER bloatware.
Like a built in game (My phone has none?)
There's your problem, right there.
*I* could'a told you, outer-darkness denizens (iPhoneless)
Want Speed and a better battery, period.
what YOU want is just creepy.
Futuristic AI (from the sixties)
AI in action
You are irrelevant. You will Not be assimilated.

(Will White collar employees switch over to real estate sales?)
Data entry jobs (ones that cannot cram slips of paper into the PC) might get more attractive, but I'm prolly way behind what PC's can devour these days.

yeahbutt....I still want Pixel.
(IOW I'm totally sick of Samsung)

I am so gonna edit this, I swear, except I've got other things on my mind right this second.
Namely, the unintentional dithering effect my browser, Edge, is doing.
I looked up *actual* dithering, and it's much more obvious and arty.
No, this is mostly about colors, taking them and blending them together for a washed-out look.
A guy shows an extreme example (Mine isn't this bad)
(link to, "reddit" (I think)
But yeah, it messes up colors badly sometimes.

The news picture I'm about to show is a picture of High-surf in California, with surfers and beach-bums in awe,
 and a little girl stuck into the photo (She doesn't look too happy about it).
I tried to show the spots, the "dithering" spots on the back of her dress, and maybe the funny way the shadows on her face turned out, But I think I've failed.
I don't think the actual photos are bad, just the way the browser handles them.

I think I've written before, about monitor adjustments, and how flavorless bland and depressing the monitor (*My* monitor) becomes after I carefully adjust it to pass or nearly-pass some video-tests.
In truth, I love black "crush", no charcoal-color for me, and roses, red ones,
 (The color "red" generally) should pop and glow.
But I adhere to the monastic settings until the monitor gets very old and dies (Muted colors do NOT prolong a monitor's life)
Accurate for who? A critic living thousands of miles away using an expensive monitor he got free that I could never afford?
I miss the old days with analog knobs you could use to adjust stuff to your personal preference.
Suntanned Newscasters.

New words (old ones from school)
The teachers had a little script about mitosis and meiosis.
One is sexual, one isn't.
The part about diploid vs haploid was never mentioned.....
I still don't know wtf they were on about, but...
I seem to recall.....
Cells divide asexually (Mitosis?)
or as a result of sex (Meiosis??)
Or something.
This all came up wondering how cockroaches can breed so damn fast if you stop buying expensive roach-bait.
The stuff about the amoeba and the vacuole (and several other parts) were more important on a test.
I forgot all the parts except "Vacuole"
I'm sure they meant "Vacuole" not "Vacoule" but

Cells taking a dump
(this whole process personifies the word "Arcane"
or to borrow from another language,
Pick a subject, *any* subject, and they'll load up the clubby arcane stuff.
Try Cells, Phones, (cell phones,) "Bath Towels," for criminy's sake.

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