
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Arcane (Chipset SOC, NB/SOC, "VDDCR-SOC")

 Ryzen-Master is not helpful with some voltages, giving them different names, for some reason.
So the advice-givers, the wise ones, fixate on the wrong voltages, or speak about what voltages should be while overclocking (sticking a red-hot-poker up the CPU's butt)
Then, some people pick a voltage from the phone book, overclock, and if the CPU doesn't die, they seem happy.

"NB/SOC" voltage should be set to 1.05, some guy says.
The value seems to correspond neatly with "VDDCR-SOC" in Ryzen-Master.
The "Chipset SOC" is on "Auto" because I don't really have enough info to put it on anything else.


This subject is treated on "quora" but in a kind of a busted AI way.
In other words, you can easily google the question there, but the answer is beyond their ability.


Between overclockers and bots it's a wonder this thing still works.....

New word for today: Meaux (Meaux the Lawn, Meaux Green, etc)

I'm not pushing arcane stuff (arcanity? arcanities?) but when you were in school, 
there was the "Upper atmosphere" or maybe the "Stratosphere." 
I swear. 
NOW due to inflation they've added a few layers.

And to further confuse (and get paid more for lectures) They got rid of the whole "Core-mantle-crust"-thing and added some fancy names for underground.
How much did this cost, in research dollars?
Some info-please site says the deepest manmade hole is the Kola-hole in Russia,
Just under 8-miles deep.
They wanted to dig deeper but it got too hot.
Those movies where the scientist burrows way down deep to plant a nuclear bomb, outside his ship in a very warm humongous cavern, does anyone remember how deep they go?
Where do the underground indigenous-aliens live again? I forgot.
Bad-guys, bad teeth / good guys, perfect teeth (and a little lipstick?)

Coy and cloy: The same but very different.

Coy: Smile-direct-club commercials.
Cloy: Sad Puppy (ASPCA) commercials. (who said "Maudlin"?)

Prescience or Sales pitch?

Hackers have a humungous rock to throw at your windows, defeating the purpose of your $1000 door lock.
But, it's been patched, ignore the past four yeeeee(eee)ars.
The TLDR apparently was, iMessages can be eveil.
Do iWatches get iMessages? The whole article is so arcane (to me) it's hard to know exactly who and what targeted who. Secretaries in Boise, or embassy employees in Moscow?
Sure. Right. Mm-hmm. OK. (whut?)

Ya know, "JavaScript" is required on everything everywhere, even though Microsoft has been tooting its evilness for as long as I can remember.
99.9999 percent of all important sites use it. 
(and don't get me started on cookies)
I don't even trust those damn page-blocking banners you have to click on, implying your consent (to rape and pillage your device.)
So yeah, it's a paranoia I don't announce daily, but it comes up from time to time (like now)
And (Read the picture) people Love to stick PDF's on their pages, and you sort of hope your insurance company or bank are smarter than to disseminate evilness...
  • PDF's
  • Javascript
  • Truetype-Fonts
You can't lump them all together and try to excise them from existence, Hackers would just buy a different-looking rock...
F.U.R.I.O site https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/91347/how-can-a-font-be-used-for-privilege-escalation/91395#91395

In an excruciatingly long Train of thought,
Encompassing Nuts and their theories on life (I'm being very vague,)
the iPhone reigns supreme among the people who matter.
(Another train: Which phone does Gwyneth Paltrow have?)
I can't tell what it is,
but it's hilarious I can find this pic in 5 seconds
The train-of-thought continues that
Her kid is named "Apple"


I'm sure it was misbehaving HTML, not a subtle message about iPhones and sad people

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