
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Beans (the lost blog)

 Yeah I wrote on beans, wondered about vinegar, and that entry is lost to time (I erased it.)

Short notes approximating what it said (AKA the horribly bad restored-art of my spontaneously written blog entries)

This got all famous, people flocked, it made millllllllions, the end.
(My bad beans might get famous, IOW)

Wait, so they *Stay* white, forever?
I thought it was a cooking-stage.
They look pretty brown now.
I don't wanna say "The Guy was full of beans,"
But he was.

Vinegar can get pretentious. I used "White" (common-man vinegar)
Not brown nor pink, etc,
And table-salt (because some lady said to.)

WILL they taste all sour and vinegary?
"OMG, you put too much"
Mother, Pleez, I'd rather do it myself.

Update: They look OK, taste all right (They're BEANS)
Pot roast is tons better.

Who said they should be firm when done and not mushy and split?
I like mushy and split.
THESE in my picture are firm.
Do you think I could keep going and get mushy?
Incipient Fascism.
I'm gonna go for mushy(er)

Soak/don't-soak, use seaweed, bla-bla-BLA-blah-blah

Can you f'n taste the skins? (they're "skin-ny"? Lol)
Are they Chalky?
You did it wrong, no soup for you.

The zillion ways to cook a damn bean.
O. O. Lemme guess: "EVOO"


A few hours into the cooking (in the slow-cooker)
Quite a few beans are floating (quite a few)

per the paranoid ravings I'd find if I reeeeaally looked, I didn't add enough EVOO or, I added too much vinegar.
Well forget that, *They* told me to add vinegar, and I can figure that a teensy amount would only make a teensy difference, and I wouldn't buy their pretentious product for only a teensy amount.
As for the oil, it's lots less clear, but the more EVOO you add to *anything* the richer they get, so forget that.

Is there a council or an association for Bay-Leafs? Just wondering.
(useless things)

(warning: bombastic)

Point (see counterpoint below)
Not crooks (read their book)

I could prolly have picked a more topical topic.
I've got a question:
A lady was arrested in either 2022 or 2023. 
The AI says "2023" but the paper says "2022".
OK Even I can't fathom the very powerful, able to delay a misdemeanor charge, it would look bad.
Smear tactics.

OK whut? I guess they really *can* delay stuff, while she presumably gets fixed up and the judge releases her quickly prolly.

Or is it election hijinks?

This is LOTS less topical but it bugged me.
A man cranks a musical machine, the machine plays music and his helper-pet monkey holds a little monkey-hat asking for donations.
They don't do that much anymore (at all ever) because some a-hole decided to:
Shoot the monkey and take his money, or drown out the music with their booming rap-car, or license the poor grinder out of existence.
(Or have the grinder arrested for animal exploitation)
Never in a zillion years would I have guessed "Barrel organ"

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