
Thursday, December 7, 2023


Last day (They say) Make them get off their butts and come to You, don't listen to those fool commercials.

I joined up a plan, seemed like a good one, and celebrated by buying a BIG hunk of BEEF, the biggest they had.
I will have to pay $48 on a dental-rider, but I will get more teeth (to eat more BEEF!)

A rant (sort of) is, I cannot find how much a particular drug (Creon) is.
Say there were (but there aren't) a crapload of insurance-plans to sign up for (right?)
HOW do they handle DME? Yes, we all know Medicare frowns on DME and if it squeaks by, a twenty-percent fee is required.
They even made a f'ing law that prevents doctors from discounting products by waving the fee! How messed up is that?
Passing the buck over to state-aid, Medicare can be all stuffy or, just wash their hands and let the insurance-companies decide (that's the whole "Advantage" thing)

The "Advantage"-thing ties pretty ribbons to a shit-plan that still makes you pay for 20%.

So, rides and a free gym.

Well, F all that, I ranted way more than I wanted.
What about your little list of prescription drugs, 
What about your diabetic monitoring equipment?
What about the one or two super-expensive prescriptions you take (do without?)

(Is the equipment listed as DME or monitoring stuff?)
Maybe I should stop for that.
Approved Monitoring equipment is usually included (aka "free")
But DME is extremely expensive.
A blood-pressure monitor is not DME but they don't approve it (maybe if you died and came back, they'd relent)

These things aren't in the sales brochure, it's all rumor and innuendo and tradition.
I got a quote from a lady saying Walgreens wants $1300 for Creon (so dump Creon)
But she was looking at a discount site that makes up shit.

They pay zilllllll,llllions, YOU pay $500/12 (I think, it isn't clear)

She also didn't know why (coincidentally?) one insurance had a zero copay for Really expensive DME a couple years ago, and NOW
(on a *different* plan) it's strictly 20%.
An act of congress maybe? (Bless their little hearts)

How penurious are they with DME generally?
Wheelchairs, Prosthetics?
GET the plan, study up, DUMP the plan, or,
Use the plan for all it's worth to cover the free gym and the credit-card (for pot roast)
and THEN dump it and get a plan that focuses on something else
 (DME, prescriptions)

Beans are OK, I guess, but BEEF ruules.

Butternut-squash soup, long-expired (June), was the broth for the pot-roast, along with some leftover (still in the bottle) vinegar, from a couple blogs ago.
I couldn't bring myself to eat the damn soup all this time, it looked like some yucky 50's dish on the *carton* (no can here.)
Ed Debevic-style soup.
But actually, dipping a finger into the broth pleasantly surprised me, it didn't taste yucky, all gluey and moldy, it looked fresh and was tasty.

"Molasses" have I none, and there isn't any brown sugar to speak of (It's under a pile of white.)
I forgot to google whether white sugar can substitute for brown-sugar / molasses, I just went ahead and added some, with great results.
My best pot-roast yet, I'm thinking.

Pick a cause (any cause) and being on the wrong side of that cause, gets you fired, people will pull massive donations, and (in today's news) you're called up to explain why you didn't repress those on the other side of the cause people called you about.
Your job is to repress, why didn't you? (and other accusations.)
Daisy Fitzroy (someone you've never heard of) justified killing a kid beeeeecause, “If you wanna get rid of the weed, you gotta pull it up from the root.” (that's a quote) and she died on the spot for believing that.
(Then later the player is killed for mostly the same reason.)
but my *opinion* has no cash value, and I am still waiting for the UNLV justification (the guy obviously felt that he had one.)
You can justify damn near anything, and the better you talk, the more money and friends you have, the platform you rant off of, makes a bigass difference.
I might inadvertently be referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_of_the_deed ,
Ends justify means, etc, but at this point I'm parroting someone else's thoughts.
 I just thought it was interesting: Person-->place--> thing (philosophy)

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