
Monday, January 1, 2024


 I have two (at least) wishes, one is to be able to draw anything, and the other is to be able to (most of this sentence was written by AI) play a piano keyboard.
So I bought paintshop years ago, and later a keyboard. 
Bugs ate the keyboard but I still have paintshop.
I still can't doodle a 3D plank that is shaded.
So this picture (a random "Line shading" illustration from Google) is much more meaningful.


Could this be an intro for AI art?

But I'm (tentatively) guessing "No" because AI art would either be to make someone look stewpid or evil (so it's political) or, it's supposed to make the AI look stupid.
Cats yowl outside my window, it's distracting as hell.
So no, this is it, for now.
Plus, I didn't know about the AI lawsuits and the controversies.
Clickbait (I'm still looking)

A rather opaque circular discussion on NFT's.
IOW, I get how a golden ticket entitles a person to (whatever)
but virtual Art is iffy.
AI Generated virtual art is more iffy.
OTOH I can see people paying good hard cash for game tokens ("candy crush")
and it makes sense they hire celebrities to get you to download free games (for the in-app purchases?) (which are virtual?)
At least 20 years ago they had this online chat program for PC's that wanted you to pay for better clothes and virtual hoverboards.
So this is nothing new... I'm just old, I guess.

Well as long as it's profitable.

But that brings us back to AI Art and the people buying it, virtually.

Close to 3AM a week later, I've abandoned whatever this entry said.
But a maintenance note: I cannot upload any images at this time.
My cell phone tower either died or we're undergoing some security-thing, 
either way my signal is about as bad as it was 20 years ago before the new tower was put in, 
when I was lucky to have signal right here and definitely *no* signal in the bathroom.

"Bill Pay" was apologetic for a bit "Oops, something went wrong," but they quickly fixed that.
I hope.
I mean, what hacker wouldn't want my biggie chunk of money? 
I'll edit this.
And this typing experiment either works or it won't.

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