
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Odd game (Lies of P)

 Well you get lost a lot, true to form. Secret-sidewalk ways, another standard.

You pick up little goodies with no meaning (yet.)

https://www.cbr.com/lies-of-p-all-endings-explained/ way better notes. 

But I'm editing-in my own note, that I cannot seem to complete several plots in the game.

  • One is, have Giangio invent a cure,
  • Give Antonia the Cure.
  • Accelerate the Golden-fruit tree's growth (I've read you inject the syringe??)
Kill victor, get hero's elixir, go back to talk to pallodium (Polendina?) (the desk-clerk-butler)
and then, nothing.
Everything else is highly repeatable, getting old in fact (you gotta wonder if my cheats are blocking something)

It's what I heard but I think it's wrong

If they did one of those man-on-the-street surveys, no one would know the little jingle they play at the beginning of disney movies, 

And "when you wish" would be from, Cinderella.
They could use a new theme song....Something white evangelical nationalists would like.
Darth Vader-like (Like my other game whenever you approach the evil-tyrant's castle.)

I wonder what people do when they get a new credit-card.
"What will you do now?"
"I'm buying tickets to Disney!"

But the game has a european flair, Like it's from Belgium.
Colors are muted, it's apocalyptic, and a maze, mostly.
It's *my* fault, I haven't gotten on the whole anime kick yet, teeny people smashing stuff.

Will I (Player) become a puppet for an evil force/empire?
I don't know what's going on or why, I walk around killing everything (The game stops me from killing privileged characters having anything to do with the plot)
It's lots better than solitaire or slots.... 

A prime example of how hopelessly lost I am in this game without google, are the phonograph records you're supposed to collect to gain bonuses.
Except I'm lots more likely to obtain a record for the player by accident, which I did on my first playthrough.
Looking for one purposefully, involves a nun in a cathedral with an impossible route.
But assuming I eventually find her, she tasks me with a mission.
I'm not supposed to kill her boss, which would drive her insane and transform her into a monster (the ones you can't swing a cat without meeting.)
I killed all monsters everywhere, went back to her little office, but she was totally gone (unless I killed her?) no record, no confession.

And, well, *now* I'm on a chapter no one sent me to, which has no ending at all, ever.
A guy wants fruit from a money tree, which is at the end of my chapter, which is a big loop back to the beginning of the game.
Giving him the fruit (buying something from his store) gives me a useless object, one of many useless objects I cannot use.

This next pic is more of a test than an explanation, but if you can see it, 
It epitomizes the opaque reasons a player should or should not do something.

No one told me to speak to her, no one told me to lie.
I'm lost.
Maybe I can keep restarting and restarting; the first couple chapters make sense and the women seem nicer.
Right around chapter 4 it all goes to shit.....

O. OK, Google, whatever you say.

There's a part at the very beginning of the game where an organ plays carnival music. 
It's like maybe, listening to an old fashioned radio station a thousand miles away. and the disc jockey set the speed to 45 instead of 33.
Or, like I told my highly insulted ex-friend, what imitation mariachi music sounds like to me.
I need to look up "Squeeze box" music....
Rap songs with synthesized drums sounding like they came from a casio keyboard.
This music, all compressed and sent over shortwave from eastern Europe...
Synthesized horns (Trumpets?) on an AM radio. 
Anyway the carnival music brought back nostalgic memories.
Did they fool with the sound or did it really sound that bad when they recorded it?

A sadistic puppet in white sings "It was fascination" but after she's dead the music carries on forever. 
On a scratchy record over a PA system.
Running around in circles doesn't help, I always end up next to her infernal song.
Should I mention the fake singer was the sister of the real singer who is too sick to sing anymore?
If I have to play this nightly for a month(s) I should prolly skip the details.
How many games do I own that are depressing and grey, people dead / dying?

"Elden Ring," for one.
 Is that the one where they keep saying you're cursed ("Tarnished") and the nuns dressed as Pillsbury doughboys play little horns?

Deep-dark "Souls" or somesuch.
Post apocalyptic earth beats outer space every damn time.

I'm in a tower today, but they call it an Abbey.
What do Abbeys want with HiFi equipment?

Or maybe it's blade servers (modems?)

I'm mystified.
If a guy wanted very expensive stereo equipment, he could buy it from Samsung/wherever to stick into the game, a capital investment,
or maybe product-placement. Or a tax dodge.
I don't know, it all seems so non-"belle epoque."

No Fox, No Gepetto, no prison, just lotsa stereo stuff.
Maybe I'm in a different game from the walkthroughs?

I want to rant on a different night, that the walkthroughs for this game, especially from IGN, are a convoluted mess. 
They would have you slobbering like a dog for every piece-of-crap memorabilia, instead of showing you an overall route to escape hell.

"Here boy, another bone"

The swamp, the flaming balls, the surprise flaming ball that kills you instantly without heavy cheating, these are irrelevant to the shit you pick up.

Bored ROTD:
In the  19th- early 20th century people obsessed over quill pens and india ink (some kinda ink) anyway, evangelicals carried it further by inventing pens with extremely small points, smaller maybe than my syringe-needles (I never really measured.)

When their kids had kids, writing was so last year.
"Cursive" was too hard to learn.
Thanks to Cell phones, styluses were in vogue once more.

So they made emojis.

TLDR: We're regressing to stone ages.

👧🏻👧🏻JK, H.a.n.d. ("Su")

I predict an AI emoji parroting their owner's trite overused phrases
(But that's arguable, a thing of the future, or already here)
A flashing emoji ("flashing" body-parts) to fit in to conversations.
(AKA, a discussion on early egyptian with avatars flashing tits)
But the articles bombasting about x-rated emojis, 
outnumber the actual emojis
(I'd keep looking, but I gotta go do something)

Oooo, dirty (??!!)
'k, I was thinking of written words getting trashed but I see you've covered this
(and covered this)

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