
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Join Italics wha...?


I didn't know you could handwrite in Italics, but OK.
Apparently cursive, according to a headline, is being mandated, and the knee-jerk reaction is sure to happen.
But I still don't really have a definition for "join Italics" unless it's a typo.

Pedants had a seminar on the subject

They don't quite explain "Join Italics" it's more, the history of italics alongside cursive.
It's mostly monks.

Round the ecru rock the ragged rascal ran.

Round the ecru rock the ragged rascal ran.

I kind of (ahem) I kind of doubt you see the above sample sentences the way I do, because you'd need the fonts.
If you're seeing lots of percent-signs and the text is like this, My experiment failed.

On the other hand (lol) if you scrawl with the wrong-hand using a mouse, you'll get an idea of the hell I went through in fourth grade trying to learn cursive.
Compared to a girl nearby my cursive was accursed.

On some test (cursive?) I forgot how to write the number "5", specifically the five's butt or lack thereof (when does my pencil stop?)
So, uhm, hmm. I'm absolutely terrible at cursive and my handwritten numbers
(2,8, etc) aren't much better.
You know, it's the traumatic memories that stick with you forever.
I'd LOVE to download a font https://www.fontspace.com/learning-curve-bv-font-f963 but I've been told truetype fonts are like going into bad areas of town and hoping you don't get robbed or shot.
Well, and I don't need cursive 364.5 days out of the year.
So even though it's a legacy skill no longer necessary because AI can and does translate cursive historical documents, even though a majority of educators asked prefer keyboard skills over cursive writing being taught,
The upshot of the bombastic article seems to be that it discourages Danny Dunn from using a computer to do his homework (because no computer could possibly write in cursive, eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teIbdi_H64g)
But I never answered my own question,
A requirement to teach CURSIVE or JOINed ITALIC??
I'd seriously like to see a course description for Join(ed) Italic.

It's a freakin' style of cursive, dammit...
Geez! you picky people.

I always loved the cowboy hat that the Capital T in Cursive has, and the nice belt that Cursive Capital F has.

Italic Cursive is more austere, borne of monasticism (no hat.)
I think, you decide.

the n looks like an m in cursive, and the m has cancer or something...
So I applaud "Italic Cursive," The End

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