
Monday, January 22, 2024

White Lady

 White Lady with too many teeth.
I wanna get an exact screenshot of the moment you know she's too toothy, 
And I also wanna explain the title.

But I can't.

Will this picture do?

If only big things in videogames looked as good in real life.
The Krat Soldier, and this lady. ("Laxasia")
Her name sounds like a plane ticket.

Big philosophical type question upcoming, force death on a good lady or force her to live and suffer? (Is this some plug for euthanasia?)
And while I'm on the subject, force Antonia to live longer or let her die naturally? (It's a question I have to answer in-game)

"of course"
Or is this just to make the killing and the puzzles less tedious? 
Too late.
As long as we're making stuff up, this photo from when Antonia was better, 
was retouched forever so I un-retouched what I could, not being an expert.
That whole "vignette" thing is stuck on forever, I'm afraid.
Maybe I can google a better version.

Being a millionaire several times over could have been YOUR dream come true, if you hadn't thrown away that old washer, victrola, 78 records....
Even your First Apple Computer could have been a goldmine...but noooooo
And so the next time you diss your hoarder relative, think about that. 
*I* think about the endless pile of crap I cannot throw away legally (and no, I'm not talking about mattress tags)
I got relatives saving the wrong stuff, or dead ones who let stuff rot or burn in a fire.
Wanna be depressed? watch PBS and any "Antiques roadshow"

*I* replay forever to avoid the dreaded "Stewpid puppet" epithet.
  (And I'm poor and my internet couldn't handle any downloads)
I know it exists, I got "I'm sorry" once, but then I regressed.

 This next set of pics is way harder to explain, so I won't.

People totally make stuff up, like the sequels following my game.

Paracelsus is supposed to be this big reveal, if you'll only read a ton of books and predict what the CEO of (https://gamerant.com/lies-of-p-ending-connected-universe-dark-fairy-tales-paracelsus-dorothy/ will do. 
I'm hoping for a "Control" sequel, and then I remember that reinstalling would break my internet, so nevermind.

While eating my mostly unchewed bits of beef, I wondered about the real estate agent for "The Amityville Horror" house.
Would the agent (for example) say that the house had plumbing problems?

As far as sequels go, the house (not this game) had many movie sequels. 
It follows that the game might have sequels too.

The director's edition
The GOTY edition
The Ultimate-remastered edition.

Whatever the reason (I would not know), Google Newsweek and NBC like Trump, I think maybe it's because he draws money like Flies.

A Biased opinion on Newsweek, on Googles "Top News".
Mark Davis is a syndicated talk show host (red-flag)
On Salem (something) Media 
See next Pic

Now tell me Newsweek / Google aren't biased.
(OK I wouldn't go to court with this flimsy evidence, but "if the shoe fits".)
If it quacks, walks etc like a duck (o nvm)

I'm torn between jotting down notes about most of the trains of thought that last more than a few seconds...and using tact, decorum.
Tact for whom? The lady shouting "God Bless Donald Trump" was a coincidence (right?)
As far as I know, only I and a few inquisitive people read all this, and the entries are entertaining on long winters' nights (Or they get deleted.)
Anyway, the pointlessness of solitaire (which already has a very depressing name)
∞ + 1

There are a few user forums saying mostly the same thing, that once you reach a certain level it doesn't matter anymore.
"Level 2418, grandmaster 384" makes me think of hospitals, homes and mostly paralyzed people tired of Jeopardy.
But that might not be true, but it's in my head anyway.
By comparison, I'm around grandmaster-50.
384-50 is several years of levels away, (uh) 334 levels.
And on that note, climbing a cliff and fighting monsters inches away from instant death, netted me one more vinyl record!! (They aren't really vinyl, they must be Bakelite Shellac or something, but no one says "Bakelite shellac record"
And LP's hadn't been invented yet.
Hard to brag about nameless round tortilla-looking things

The ultimate weapon in my arsenal is a really big stick, to go with the whole "Speak softly and carry a big stick" saying of that time.
Unfortunately I have no game on a Wishlist, whatever I buy might be worse than "Lies" or "solitaire."
I consider the commercials for the game, then get a headache and do Eeny meeny miny Mo

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