
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

a marketing rep

 A marketing rep at CNN thinks Kale is overdone, so she pushes Collard greens instead.

gentrifying veggies to maximize profit.

They have one thing in common, they mess up your stomach.

A lot of press is wasted on Kale Collards; They're food the Slaves ate, so we should too.

Anyone anywhere will tell you they're on some damn forbidden-list.
Even a movie makes fun of how broccoli makes you fart.

We wondered why CNN would stoop to such front-page folderol; Apparently there is news they'd rather you didn't see right now, that's my guess.

My mostly liquid diet waits monthly for potroast; I'm tired of listening to these hacks pushing beans (also on forbidden lists near you)

Gigantic buttholes pushing poison to my stomach, witness: 
(or did you think I was making this crap up?)
It sorta depends on the sponsored messages.
Garlic, silent killer. Olive oil, pretentious crap.

Feeling suicidal? They stuck both together:

Potatoes must be on their shitlist of uncultured foods, IDK, except there are newer varieties, gentrified, overpriced, that I've fallen in love with:
(missing a word, "baby"?) potatoes, that look smaller than eggs.
they're extremely small for potatoes, and easy to cook, perfect for pot-roasts, 
except I always (always) forget to buy them.
Ten-pound bags of larger potatoes used to cost less, before all the supply chains broke. They're still competitively priced, I think (they're selling them in a lot smaller bags now.)
Et tu, Potato?

Mom was either a great cook or knew some fantastic recipes, all of them incorporating cheese. I'm sure she cooked other things but I remember her baked Macaroni+cheese and (for special guests) her cheese devilled baked potatoes.
Her being morbidly obese wasn't something I really thought much about....

The marketing reps for New york and its surrounding cities must be so well paid, to sling the incredible bullsit about how lovely New York is, and how everyone loves it.
Imagine a guy who murders his mom in front of another kid, stabs her with a knife, and and gets sentenced to 17 years  but gets out early, when he nearly kicks to death an old lady because he hates foreigners.

Prosecuted as a hate crime, he gets another 15 years.
Geez, (o!) and people watched, commenting. 
They were fired a week later (wtf?) 

The rich-towns close by and the people working there are prolly what the heart-new-york shirts are going on about.
I'd wonder (if I was the wondering type) what makes the parole board parole this guy so easy, and why they keep sentencing him so lightly.

A white guy maiming a black woman would probably get the maximum sentence...
*This* guy gets less, though no one says why.

Marketing reps reeeeally want you to love AI and anything associated with it, and in fact Nvidia must show some AI promise, so their stock went way up (I don't know exactly why, something to do with AI)

So an article exposing AI for what it's actually used for right now seems topical enough for this vague rambling blog entry:
The other AI link about machine-customers ordering stuff online seems a dated subject I must have blogged about eons ago, or maybe it was an ancient 60-minutes article, IDK.
It has been implied several times in the past that there is a formula for Google's front page, although I do not remember them specifically mentioning "AI."
And in Truth you'd have to really look right this second to see any stories on Trump; Maybe they're getting more careful (maybe not, I wouldn't want to guess at the AI machinations at Google.)
"Bing" has too many stories of people I've never heard of.


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