
Friday, February 16, 2024

Deathly odors

 I'm totally making up a story in my head I must've read in ancient novels I can't remember anymore, about the very dark sickroom they kept an elderly relative in. 

Lotsa drapes and a canopy over the bed, so it was hard to see the dying person from just outside the sick-room. 
A vaporizer going 24/7 that didn't really work anymore, old barf and poo-smells, (I've gotta work on my literary descriptions)

I'm only bringing it up because, after a cold when a person becomes blissfully unaware of the incredible stink. When sinuses start to halfway-clear and odors become ghosts haunting one's olfactory system.


Maybe it's not that bad, maybe I just need to move some of this laundry....
Or maybe I have "The dropsy" or whatever that creepy relative had who traumatized little children on her deathbed.
"I don't WANNA go in there!" The kid is supposed to say,
And the lifelong trauma is yet to come, when the kid is expected to kiss the corpse in their coffin.
Maybe I dropped a banana...

A painting supposedly by Edvard Munch called "By the Deathbed" has so many versions that I am not sure if these (the ones I am looking at) are imitations in admiration, or if the artist kept painting the same one over and over to get it exactly right.

Each version is drastically different.

Personally *I* like a sketch which includes a little kid (right in the middle there where an old man's praying hands are) but I've lost it forever, I guess.

Mr. Munch made a painting a lot like the one on the left of my group, but people thought he looked crazy by painting such a weird piece of art.
That might explain the different versions, but I don't know and I'm still looking.

It turns out, they had different names and were painted years apart.
"Death Struggle" is the new-improved version of "By the deathbed," or I think so anyway.
No, I'm wrong (again), I can't get a straight answer; every damn time I look these up the names change.

*apparently* Munch would paint the exact same thing years apart, and a person wonders about the reasons, not being an art critic. Was he continually improving, incorporating a different style, trying to earn more money...??
The saintly kid comforting a desolate friend.
(Is that a bottle of Nyquil on the table?)

A casual reading of Google after a dream I had about fake black pepper,
showed that there is (or was) indeed fake black pepper, which would explain maybe why,
when I was younger, pepper seemed flavorless and wasn't high on my grocery list.
There are worse spices, though.
*Cinnamon* was tested for lead and had high amounts of it.
It makes you wonder what made people go off and test spices at all,
(go read up on "Saffron") but there it is, bad dreams can be true sometimes.
This whole subject belongs more under the "Food Kills" set of blogs, but I happened to be blogging about "Deathly Odors," so, there it is.

2nd attempt at documenting current stuff about biofilm removal on dentures.
pretentious word, "Biofilm"

 and anyway the study I'm about to cite doesn't test fizzy-tablets,
not at all.
Fuck'em, anyone trying to sell mass quantities of expensive equipment will assert that their methods are superior.
Fizzy tablets are antibacterial, and they fizz.


If you totally ignore me and buy an ultrasonic anyway, that fancy-assed chemical they mention does diddly.
But other sites speak favorably about hydrogen peroxide, which is more expensive than water or (I forgot), but a guy wonders, "what about Mouthwash" (Which has fancy chemicals already,) and fizzy tablets??? The mouthwash should be alcohol-free, says google, because they can deteriorate, and if they're in your mouth (using adhesive) it will break up the adhesive.
Plus (not to run the subject into the ground or anything, but) there are two classes of ultrasonic cleaners, the wimpy ones and the metal scary-looking professional ones.
The wimpy ones have almost no power (30-40 watts) and no heat.
You wouldn't want to overheat dentures anyway but the ultrasonic watts would do more.

I'm not sure why the ziplock bag unless it's to save money on liquid; since you blew your budget on a cleaner, that makes sense.
OK, I'll *try* fizzies first, then way later, maybe a cleaner.
Our very hard water might put a damper on the fizzy tablets, I guess I'll find out.

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