
Thursday, February 29, 2024

Dentures and other stuff

 In the waiting room CBS news ran a story about prices in a hospital you might not know til the bill comes, although they say there's supposed to be a list. 
I'll link to the story (a little vague it was) later.

Before I forget:

"Immediates" are dentures you get quick, because you can't go around gumming stuff after the extractions they make to accommodate the dentures.

The "immediates" are adjustable, sort of, they mostly file the extra plastic down.

They do some freebie adjusting once.... after that it's extra. So load up on denture pads

But you'll really need a second set, in a few months, once your gums have had a chance to settle down (WHUT?!!)
Nobody covers second-sets (that I know of.)
If I'm still around,
five years from now,
 I can get a replacement set (I think,) adding all the extra money I will need to pay. 

Desperate, middle-class, upper-crust rates.
Only "upper-crust" need apply

Thoughts: Those imprecise-ones you'd order online using a mold they send you, doesn't sound too bad (it being the only cheap option available)

What would republicans do, seethe and steam, if medicare went ahead and covered teeth? Would they (cry havoc, let loose the dogs of war, whatever?)
This was supposed to wonder if they will eventually cover implants, but prolly not in my lifetime, so nvm...

Humana is always ready with a vague and pedantic commercial or website about insurance coverage.
But Investopedia is more specific. 
They pay half, after six-months to a year of premiums.
The prices vary wildly...
I'll look again in 5 years.

I've got an invention in my head, something I saw or dreamed-up,
implanted *hooks* that hook onto complete dentures.
4 hooks top and bottom, 8 total I think, and upper and lower plates.

A state official tries to look hoity-toity:
Irrelevant but ... it's related to the whole voting-thing error
 I mentioned in the last entry
They (I swear) must look through random photos of people trying to set the mood for stories.
Trump looking Pissed, This guy looking righteous.

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