
Sunday, February 11, 2024


475,750,000 hz (475mhz) is a lot higher than I thought I was able to receive (6mhz)

but, did I mention, none of this matters, I still get the same speeds?
Connected directly to the PC, 2.5gbps connection.
Yeah the biggie difference, the magic-whatever, is supposed to be the 2.5gbps, which doesn't mean diddly squat.

On Reddit a guy wrote that he is a comcast employee, stated his helpful answer, and then said he was jealous because he was still on Legacy.
Maybe he meant he was still on an older modem?
Maybe he meant that his node is using an older docsis?
I don't belong there and I wouldn't really know what to ask
(Am *I* in a legacy mode?)
I'd have to pay way more for it to make any difference.
You wouldn't run around in your underwear in the cold rainy night, which is what I feel like I'm doing with no router.
I think I'm getting a terrible cold (or worse) parenthetically...
I feel like I've edited this a lot already, but I can't remember much, being so sick.
A failed project I had was to hook the modem to a router and then to the PC, but still be able to speak to the modem.
The only sure way so far, is to hook the modem directly to the PC and use a static address 
(like maybe
But I don't want to do that, I would rather use my router and hook to the modem, which is proving impossible.
I briefly tried giving the router a static IP on the same subnet as the modem, which seemed to be the most logical thing to do, but it failed.
I'm too old to learn much about port-forwarding which might or might not work 
(I really would not know)
The pat answers for static routes are not functional at this time.

"No ofdma for you!!"
(o...k (ble?)
keeper of ER gates,
or he was, the last time I got sick.
Old people really wanna cure themselves, ya know?
S'not like I enjoy your sand-pit beds and bedpans.
And the arctic winter.
No manual wheelchairs 
(no chairs at all)
It's against rules to ask how you're doing.
They don't know what's wrong with you, and that stings if you ask about it.
Don't piss me off

"number one" bcuz you'll never meet el patrĂ³n 

If you watch Reruns at all, you already know that they break into whoever's database of suspicious people, AKA anyone using a VPN. Then at some point (I guess) they obtain warrants, unless there's some standard warrantless law I'm unaware of.
Using a VPN would put you on a list of VPN-users (wouldn't it?)
and if your vpn rubs up against mexican cartels or palestinian sympathizers, uhm, ??
On the other hand, if you (meekly) accept your address from your ISP and when the feds ask, you only browse porn and trump-news, they'll pass over you like some passover-type thing (I hope.)
Well anyway, the whole process they talked about in my last link does not work (static route, gateway-address is my given IP address (which triggers the above commercial)
Philanthropic laws like one giving people discounts on internet,  automatically puts a person on a list of people getting discounts, and just like the way they can track phone histories, they can track internet history as well, I would think. "No VPN for me," methinks (to my self, mumbling in a corner)
Short-circuit the router (as below) would work, but then why use a f'ing router?
Bah! (Insert ricky-ricardo rant in spanish here)

"Bridge mode" is missing some planks or something...I can type this and go to google news, but clicking on a news story falls through the bridge and drowns.
YAP (yet another page) says:
ok, I, ... (WHAT?)

obviously my Lan segment, being tiny as hell, does not include but even if it did, isn't that the "conflict" everyone keeps talking about?
IDK, I give up already.
Freaking sick, leaking everywhere, and I wanna take a bath 
("carry me away, calgon")

I'm skipping all the restarts and unplugs, so necessary to cooking spells like this (it's in the Harry potter movie, or maybe it's the game...nvm)

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