
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Fronkensteen (transferring data)

Unretouched photo of my "talking silver bird"
(so, it's a little dark)
(bronze, gold, whatever)
Doubt no longer nonbelievers, (nek)


I'm declaring my New-Phone's resolution, neither missing pixels nor scratched case nor warmth shall stay me from the completion of my transferring data over from my perfectly-good SD card to my (possibly decrepit) new phone.

Unless it physically falls apart or freezes, and then I'll rant here, of course.
 I wanted to say "decrepitted" but I've been voted down, there is no word I know of that means, prematurely old by force.

Anyway...I've never been able to transfer a damned thing, and usually the SD card can just be transferred, but not this time, I think.
No, my old 256GB phone (in total) will be consigned to my refrigerator forever or until someone wants it.
Skipping the horrifying, what happens when only one phone (the old one?) has a "SIM" card? Will the new one insist on having it before it will continue (with wifi, bluetooth)?
My current connection of 500+ Mbps is, uh, "33Mbps" on my wifi; surely something is wrong but I do not CARE beeecause, it's one more petty annoyance I can shoo away. (333mbps@5ghz)
FINE! (What about "OFDMA"? Nevermind) (What about "QOS"? nevermind!)
Apparently Google wants to seep into every facet of my private life,
because it requires WiFi, BlueTooth, LOCATION services (damn they're nosy)
But I am part of the Google Collective, I've been assimilated for years, so, uh, OK.

They thought it would be smart to have the sim card and the memory card share the same space, back-to-back, on my old A53, which I'll have to vivisect tomorrow.
If one of those cards goes bad for whatever reason, the other is toast.
Sim cards don't usually go bad (I wouldn't know) but memory cards I've had overheated and died.

Lettuce hope the new phone accepts the (micro-miniwhatever) sim card, or I'm out $40 bucks ("nano",oh.)

Beeesides, uh, we're past "the ides" of march so I won't have to beware.
(I hope),

... and the footsteps skittering above me have nothing to do with me setting up my wifi (right?) which tries to use "access control" and passwords ten-miles long, but it's all for "nought" ("naught," "not", fucket) I think. 16:FA:18, icu

(So I don't use wifi ever, unless the higher-ups command it, so I'm getting it ready, dusting it off.)

The Lord of the Phone Tim Cook hath decreed that all eat shit, no SD cards for us, nor any mini-headphone jacks, and manufacturers rub their hands together greedily, another $0.25 saved per unit. 
Thank the Lord, Kids ("Thank you, Lord")

Notes for the waiting and the bored:

802.11AC is wifi 5, AX is wifi 5 with pie, uh, hmm.
OK more research is needed but my AX-enabling router is not "wifi 6", I am pretty sure.
DISabling OFDMA and "AX" generally, seems to perk up the phone, but that could just be wishful.
I might be confusing wifi 6 and wifi 6e, wifi 6 is an old hag who has lost her sheen, it's wifi 5 with a load of makeup.

6e is the sweet young thing, the new hotness. WHICH (ta-ta-ta-DA!!) the pixel 7 will have, only my router won't, despair, malaise...(o)
but at least it'll be able to turn on OFDMA again, and AX, which (I've been told) are more for crowded Wi-Fi networks cohesively working, not total strangers hogging the lines, but I'm digressing.
Wifi 7 is (uh) well anyway (bla-bla-BLA-harrumph.)

I don't see ANY of this stuff moving very far until The Lord deigns to bless his hardware with it. I'll check, what does the Lord use?

So wifi 7 is still bastardized, gotcha.
How to tart-up an old Wifi router:
Do what your parents did, stick the new unit on top of the old one. Polished wood meets shiny black-plastic.
And so, I plan someday to get an "AP" that is wifi 6e or 7.
I just noticed prices...OK maybe in a year, a new router 
(this sounds so stewpid...I'll keep looking)
This guy sells used cars on weekends, I think

Yes! (clapping)
I don't have any more 2.5-gig ports, All my lan ports are 1-gig.
OTOH, uh, (I'll edit this)

Giving the phone a friend to talk to isn't expensive, 
I have USB and USB-ethernet adapters, and (of course) the phone can do 2.4 and 5ghz wifi and bluetooth.
But ...
There is a slightly(?!) riskier option:

The advent of wifi 7 might stay my "Buy now" button...
I need to read my own link to be sure.
This won't get cheaper, it'll just disappear.

WPA3 vs bluetooth, hmm.
No sir, I don't like it.
beeeeesides, (I'm reading) it isn't easy finding out which bluetooth version your devices have negotiated, and which sound-protocol they're using.

Hackers will love it.
Bluetooth "5.4"? (we're old)

I'm not complaining exactly but *why* did the amazon pic blur-out "Intel"?

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