
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Overweening micromanaging a-holes, (Roman trivia and stuff)

(Link (very very loong link) talks about those bundles of sticks high Roman officials carried.
The kind you were forced to learn about in school, without much rhyme nor reason.
             Miss Jean Brodie was fascinated with the fascist Benito Mussolini, but the fictional teacher was a type, a trope, not some outrageous idiot.
Anyway, Fasces and Fascist (the words,) are related.
I don't plan on teaching world history anytime soon, and my game is a month old ("crush, kill, destroy" gets old)
but for every terrorist there is a micromanager, dueling fascists.
This is missing the bombastic diatribes teachers have about Order and how much more efficient the government would be if only we were a dictatorship....I can't remember back that far. Something about the glory of the Roman empire and how well it ran. 
(That might also have been a line or two from a "Godfather" movie)

(My game character is a computer simulacrum, a ghost of what really happened.
(That's inside the game)
And thanks to cheats, the guy is this great hulking killer who defeats most of the romans... and then I restart. (I haven't seen the end)
But once the poor employee doing a great "Avatar" simulation gets her friend killed, the game loses some of its magic.
One more bad manager to crush-kill-destroy
But the real game-stopper for me is the damn sea-battle, one boat against many, and I avoid/ignore that quest. ("and then I restart" because of it)
so not the snake/turtle/spider/lizard (etc) it's an exercise in futility

Different people blame different things for the so-called Fall of Rome.
Was it a unpopular emperor? Was it a divergent religion (Arian Christians)?
Was it because they treated their immigrants so badly?
Fucket, I'll die and when I do, twenty dead people will have twenty different opinions.
But it must be easy to poke at politics and religion.
Moral bankruptcy, that's one, only it's not in some book, it's word-of-mouth sermonizing by know-it-alls.

No, they skip most of that in school, emphasizing Constantine and Constantinople, only I glossed over all that, I think I was having a bad year. 

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