
Monday, March 25, 2024

judgmentals xxvii, whut? (Anne Hathaway)

I don't read what you do, but this showed up on Bing's headlines page.
"What? What showed up?"

 I (uh) don't really know. 
Is she doing a promo for a new movie?
I've seen the articles about her for a few days....
I still don't know the bottom line.

But this 3-minute research piece is about "Hathahate" which apparently exists...

So neo-Nazi MLP people didn't like her, whadda surprise... But I'd need references,
a snarky tweeter? 
A fat critic?
The Simpsons?
(The RNC?)
Different "Anne Hathaway" (right?)

It's all, some article says that SHE said, 
not shaming the actual shamers (curses be upon their unknown souls) So I'm totally guessing (totally) she is promoting a new project.
("Your three minutes are up")
Yeah OK but I'll still wonder.

I've been halfway following  this saga... she cried at a screening, then came Hathahate,
Now today she had a miscarriage.


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