
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My blogs (in a sentence)

 Hegel vs Kierkegaard: Which would use an iPhone?

Did they fix "linklink" yet?

https://www.quora.com/How-were-Kierkegaard-and-Hegel-similar-and-different#:~:text=Hegel%20describes%20culture%2C%20history%2C%20reality,of%20the%20grandfather%20of%20existentialism. (The very top answer)

Hegel, because society as a whole approves of (the last-est) iPhone.

Kierkegaard, because there's *something* about iPhones you adore.
Conclusion: You all suck (I'll edit this)

Old men quote "Hegel" but younger more pretentious wannabes 
https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/09/kierkegaard-trump-camus-existentialism-absurdity-anxiety.html (Well, *this* link is just a name-dropper)

Peter O'Toole quotes "Hegel"
Diane Chambers quotes Kierkegaard
The defense rests.


"Disembodied Voice(tm)" says a sentence about Nietzsche would be appropriate.


A total butt, he'd beat you to death with polemics, his sister was a nazi (before they were invented)
And, he literally lost most of his mind at 44.

Truth is subjective, he'd say. 


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