
Sunday, April 21, 2024

(Rough drafty)

 Haiku, writing fancy letters "Calligraphy"?(the name escapes me) and other psychological tricks and tips.
I doubt anyone anywhere remembers WHY,
 unless they've read "The Book", whatever that book is, and anyway I wanted to focus exclusively on (the therapeutic reasons for) sand-rocks on a tray.
(which went nowhere and said nothing so I moved on)

I noticed severely that I have a 100% repeatable habit of dredging up old memories by playing one of Microsoft's little desk games (like "Solitaire" or "Jewel")
Do sweeping little rugs, arranging little rocks and sand, Calligraphy, have the same effects?

Or am I getting it wrong, your mind is supposed to be more peaceful, more "empty"?
The older you get the more dusty memories you collect, (And mayyyybe) the more games and little sand/rock/sweeping routines elicit a response. 
Good or bad?

Useless or beneficial??
I wonder.
I'm jealous of people with a zillion tasks on their daily calendar sublimating and forgetting deep inner thoughts.
They complain (god knows why) that they're too busy, with too many things to do....
And then they join another group that gives them even more to do.
Waaa! They're too busy!!
Yah OK, what's yer point?
So maybe rock-arranging gives them something to do, in between assignments and duties (IDK)

Pointless yoga-themed commercial that seems relevant...
Buy our protection for peace of mind?

Retouched with a crayon and some makeup

Someone brought up my new term for the day, "ASMR"

which is a thing many videos go on about, claiming you'll sleep better

(beCAUSE or to FIGHT "ASMR?")

I don't know what they're on about.
You get tingles (bad) so you watch videos (good)?

I used to get very dizzy just before sleep, like I was riding a roller-coaster in bed.
Or, I'd "Jump" out of sleep, usually painfully (like when I had a busted arm)
Are ANY of these things what you're on about???
I'm too old for that stuff now, no dizziness, no "jumping" 
I'm still clueless about ASMR (Which I think means something other than what google is telling me)

Big Brother clone from another reality (erased entry)

I'm convinced the (ancient Bioshock) author either has daddy issues or his girlfriend does....
I'm the eveil guy who gets massively killed (drowned, gored) in every story.
I don't think I wrote about any of this (It's erased) but "dredging up old memories" is a bigass part of the game.
(That and running around like a rat seeking the cheese, busier and busier with little goals and achievements, and knowing it all means nothing in the end, you die horribly. 
Others die and come back, but when YOU die, the game ends.
Infinite health? Unlimited bullets/rockets/flames? All for naught.

But does it have anything to do with my game or with current events?
(Probably, who knows)

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