
Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 In search of the beginning of this train,
 blaming Woodrow Wilson and the 16th amendment for taxes
(and also why certain politicians favor tariffs instead) ...:

What was the 16th amendment?
A response to a supreme court ruling (I think)

What is the difference between Direct and Indirect Taxes?
States keep your grubby little hands off of (indirect).
Indirect was a nice way of skirting Article-I of the constitution, but it (the govt) got sued a lot, so they finally said "fucket" and got a few friends together to pass the 16th.


"Blame Wilson" who didn't pass the amendment, it was there already, he just, um, used it.

So Why Elon Musk and the Amazon guy pay fewer taxes?
Good question.  

MY uncomplicated theory (you can shoot this down it's just a theory)
Is that, making every meal a business expense,
every profit a loss, or an investment,
every tax statement everywhere full of negative numbers and abandoned projects,
Makes businessmen happy and full of food.

But what started this train and why it's in my blog...
must be a current events article I can't remember now.

That and
Tik Tok was banned by India long ago, but it (this is important) was banned along with 50 other apps.
They weren't asked to sell something, they were just kicked out.
(My recently erased entry) thinks this would have been fairer than singling out a single company.

Massive deliveries of flour to people with no stove nor oven nor place to cook in...
That's another biggie.
I would think canned tunas and lots of can openers would be better.
But that's another unfinished train.
(canned Ham)

Horses bolting is a common occurrence in the UK, but I didn't know that, I only knew it was on the headlines-page, like maybe the Apocalypse finally arrived.
But no

Yes I wanted the picture, but the titles seem off ("False Peace?")
It says (elsewhere) "conquest" and my white horse is a little bloody.
The whole subject of the apocalypse and related paraphernalia make for good sunday morning reading. 
It has happened, it will happen, it "will have happened" (Bioshock).
I like this Reddit thread (mostly)

Reddit/ Quora are chock-full of very serious people and do not 
react well to irony, sarcasm, dry humor (It depends upon the subject)

Exhibit A (google the answers, I'm no xerox machine)

Horses and Grapes and crushing the grapes (for wine) are sort of analogies to blood and death. 
Go, read amongst yourselves.

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