
Thursday, May 9, 2024

I hate puzzles (and athletics)

The um, Horizon forbidden west is great if you're learning eye-hand control and testing out your controller, but I hate these parts of the game. 
No one thinks to bring ropes or grappling hooks (for stuff besides vents o nvm)

Saving timmy from a well you'd have to scale the damn well, jumping precariously from wall to wall, or fall to your death (and squishing timmy)

Couldn't just blow the tower up, o noooo.

Tell ya wat, the writer is some frustrated acrobat, which is fine (for him).
If you reeeally like acrobatics, like in the olympics (pointless) then, but otherwise....

I get that "Londra" is Musk, so sayeth the press, but no one else brings it up.

They do love to show photos of Musk posing for "Excellent" (it's a meme)

So OK is Musk eveil or what?
Inquiring minds wanna know.

I'm on the expansion-part, which reddit says is a romance thing.
I guess we're past "Alva" who looks like a cross between a nun and a guy from Malta (same mouth) (tldr not all that attractive, no romantical hints)
Alva Actually appears all spirit-like to bless Aloy and Seyka's relationship.
So that leaves out any immersive pangs of guilt.

So this lady "Seiko" is nice looking with the Politically-correct personality of a porcupine.
I Like this game but I like it best when it ends, is that terrible?
The first game in the set was better, less puzzles (basically).

I'd like to thank Wemod and Google.

The opaque "Shoot the yellow lights" and having enough arrows, this is not enough but it sure helps.

I just signed up for a cheaper internet, but two things (ok THREE things) have to happen (Four things)
1. I need to call my old-reliable ISP and say goodbye (you can buy stuff online till forever but they prefer a more personal touch when breaking up)
2. I need to get sent a $370 modem. I don't need it, don't want it, but they're sending it and the bill starts when it gets here. (Oshit)
3. Uh, what was 3...my abandoned-bank has to approve of the charge, so I guess
I could totally starve just in case. Yes, Excel tells me it's possible, if I hibernate for the rest of the month. 
Or, trust the happy salesperson (who mumbled more and more towards the end)
("salesperson is typing".................)
I doubt I'd wanna really hear his mumbles.
4. Have enough money when the dreaded Autopay arrives.
Is it worth the $10/month discount? I think not.

It's like the apocalypse, no one knows the day nor the hour.
All the rep could tell me was, it's 20 days after activation, which is wednesday of next week.
But what if it's sooner than wednesday?
O       crap.
OK it's stale bread and water for the duration. 
That guy (the salesman) must really get a big promotion to lie so.
No wonder he mumbled.

Also, https://community.t-mobile.com/other-devices-11/home-internet-turn-off-wifi-15272 you can kill the modem's wifi, but I also need to f'ing change my router's address before the modem gets here, or be in a world of trouble.

Will the new modem behave or throw some tantrum?
Will I need to plug in directly, assign some weird static IP (speke espanish)
to it?
(o shit)

The router refused my subnet.
(DHCP was pissed)
So I changed 248 to 0 and everyone's happy (right?)
To be continued.
(Footnote)  The recommended ports to block on a router is so large, the 
method-of-entry on a normal consumer router so cumbersome, that I got all "Fucket" about it, Todd/whoever (Snowden/Assange) will bypass any security I have, and he'll be glad to pass along the info to fellow blackhat members, so what's the point?
Exhibit A (Think of the late-night years and the excited conferences it took to hatch this one.)
Excited discussions here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34976696

Blocked-by-default isn't something anyone anywhere discusses, they'd rather have wide-eyed girls on commercials extolling the virtues of privacy protection for $50 a month.
The only cool thing they ever show on TV is hackers bouncing from server to server to block identity.
I'm all like, the internet is a horrible neighborhood full of hucksters.
Shank of the evening internet speed
(OK everyone everywhere is on ATT or T-Mobile or having sex but) FTR:

Their lowest available Tier

If you're busy or senile you might miss their $200 rebate, which I am very skeptical of.

Disable Server, Workstation

No one asked, and everytime I look, Google twists my meaning:
What happens if I totally disable "Server"?
ditto "Workstation"???
I kind of thought at least one was needed.
My event viewer is prolly running red right now.
Someone's pissed my Lord, Kumbaya

But coincidentally (or not), my Wi-Fi/Bluetooth combo card died, a pointless death really, since I never use it unless I'm testing something.
The other day Bluetooth was totally gasping for breath, and now it lays there pushing up daisies.
Was it something I did?

But I'm still here (you bastards)

The Dastardly Axis of Eveil people have prepared a very nice comprehensive port-block page.
Only, My router erased the entire f'ing list!!
So do I re-enter the ports, or is all this a futile exercise, like knitting??
The damn card is an AX1650 (I think)
which is another way of saying it's an AX-200 (I think.) 
Imagine having major surgery to remove a benign pimple...I kind of want to put off doing anything drastic.

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