The um, Horizon forbidden west is great if you're learning eye-hand control and testing out your controller, but I hate these parts of the game.
No one thinks to bring ropes or grappling hooks (for stuff besides vents o nvm)
Saving timmy from a well you'd have to scale the damn well, jumping precariously from wall to wall, or fall to your death (and squishing timmy)
Couldn't just blow the tower up, o noooo.
Tell ya wat, the writer is some frustrated acrobat, which is fine (for him).
If you reeeally like acrobatics, like in the olympics (pointless) then, but otherwise....
I get that "Londra" is Musk, so sayeth the press, but no one else brings it up.
They do love to show photos of Musk posing for "Excellent" (it's a meme)
So OK is Musk eveil or what?
Inquiring minds wanna know.
I'm on the expansion-part, which reddit says is a romance thing.
I guess we're past "Alva" who looks like a cross between a nun and a guy from Malta (same mouth) (tldr not all that attractive, no romantical hints)
Alva Actually appears all spirit-like to bless Aloy and Seyka's relationship.
So that leaves out any immersive pangs of guilt.
So this lady "Seiko" is nice looking with the Politically-correct personality of a porcupine.
I Like this game but I like it best when it ends, is that terrible?
The first game in the set was better, less puzzles (basically).
I'd like to thank Wemod and Google. |
I just signed up for a cheaper internet, but two things (ok THREE things) have to happen (Four things)
1. I need to call my old-reliable ISP and say goodbye (you can buy stuff online till forever but they prefer a more personal touch when breaking up)
I could totally starve just in case. Yes, Excel tells me it's possible, if I hibernate for the rest of the month.
Or, trust the happy salesperson (who mumbled more and more towards the end)
("salesperson is typing".................)
I doubt I'd wanna really hear his mumbles.
4. Have enough money when the dreaded Autopay arrives.
Is it worth the $10/month discount? I think not.
All the rep could tell me was, it's 20 days after activation, which is wednesday of next week.
O crap.
That guy (the salesman) must really get a big promotion to lie so.
No wonder he mumbled.
Also, https://community.t-mobile.com/other-devices-11/home-internet-turn-off-wifi-15272 you can kill the modem's wifi, but I also need to f'ing change my router's address before the modem gets here, or be in a world of trouble.
Will the new modem behave or throw some tantrum? Will I need to plug in directly, assign some weird static IP (speke espanish) to it? (o shit) |
The router refused my subnet.
(DHCP was pissed)
So I changed 248 to 0 and everyone's happy (right?)
To be continued.
Exhibit A (Think of the late-night years and the excited conferences it took to hatch this one.)
Blocked-by-default isn't something anyone anywhere discusses, they'd rather have wide-eyed girls on commercials extolling the virtues of privacy protection for $50 a month.
The only cool thing they ever show on TV is hackers bouncing from server to server to block identity.
I'm all like, the internet is a horrible neighborhood full of hucksters.
(OK everyone everywhere is on ATT or T-Mobile or having sex but) FTR:
Disable Server, Workstation
What happens if I totally disable "Server"?
ditto "Workstation"???
I kind of thought at least one was needed.
My event viewer is prolly running red right now.
Someone's pissed my Lord, Kumbaya |
But coincidentally (or not), my Wi-Fi/Bluetooth combo card died, a pointless death really, since I never use it unless I'm testing something.
The other day Bluetooth was totally gasping for breath, and now it lays there pushing up daisies.
Was it something I did?
Only, My router erased the entire f'ing list!!
So do I re-enter the ports, or is all this a futile exercise, like knitting??
which is another way of saying it's an AX-200 (I think.)
Imagine having major surgery to remove a benign pimple...I kind of want to put off doing anything drastic.
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