
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Whoa! Peligroso under construction (geez)


To be replaced (maybe) with another module.

Note that I did not say "board" or whatever, it gets all microscopic.

Yes I might have to replace the board but I'd rather use an old module.

I'm not saying windows 11 killed my wifi bluetooth card, even though it did for whatever reason (google it)

But it's a little late for me now.

The upshot is, either the card on the old module is too different or the two modules (aluminum housings) are too different, although they seem to fit (ignore the backplate)

  • I should buy a card, right? (see way below, MSI/Qualcomm-whatever)
  • I should order a replacement module.
  • I should try and just use the card (ax200) not the module it comes in. This option fills me with pangs of sheepish guilt, because my bright-idea of nearly killing my computer to replace a teeny tiny board failed, and I am reluctant to retry. "Paddles! Charge to 300! Epi! Again! Again!
    ("We have sinus") o...k

A: too expensive (we'll see)
B: Impossible (I'm sure) They only sell the plastic antenna (for a lot)
C: Major surgery doesn't get easier the more you do it, but maybe.

https://www.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/19a2fqc/intel_be200_wifi7_m2_nic_only_works_on_intel/ (TLDR) been there, done that, Nope. BE200 Not on AMD

This seemingly recent review of  a wifi 7 addon card is mostly unreadable, and wrong (I think)
"In the other housing" whut?
"Can't buy it by itself" Whuut?
My Beta supports some new wifi thing but I don't know if it's seven or not.

After a sleepless (mostly) night I figured part of what the guy is saying:
The chip is Qualcomm-BE NCM865 and is available as an addon card from MSI.

This pic is from a wholesale place.

Why am I even reading this stuff? I should be all stoic and say,
"Get thee behind me, Wi-Fi"
But when have I ever been stoic.

According to their blurb it might be a wifi 6 card masking as 7, but I'm sure they just need to update the blurb.

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