
Thursday, June 13, 2024

My game (and stuff)


Near ancient times kids went to Monasteries, nunneries, seminaries, workhouses, asylums.
So I'm reading this anti-abortion site about ancient infanticide, The old-fashioned way.

What is that charlton-Heston movie about in the beginning except a woman sticks a kid into a basket and sends the basket down the river.
But societies need soldiers and voters (home schooled ones) to perpetuate the righteous way of life....Yeah, I see their reasoning, sort of.
Anyway yeah (being topical) there's this game about a girl left to wolves to fend for herself, and is instead captured by a coven of witches.
I can't remember the game. Giant boarding school run by witches, teaching the young to become assassins. 
Yeah but then it got weird, a giant brain wanted to take over the world, etc. 
Baldurs Gate 3, Maybe

Train-of-thought title: WHY is this comic shown on Bing's front page?
Why did she get an award for it?
Why am I reading it?
There must be a point.
Dana (Nee David) has funny eyes.  (I don't need vast armies of total strangers ganging up on my misshapen butt)

I keep reading...I was sure 
she was of the New York upper crust, an immigrant of Chicago, but I was totally wrong.
Longwinded retrospective on comics might follow, but no reason, nobody asked my opinion on comics.
But apparently if you are a furry fan, a Transgender fan, or an award-winning comics fan, uhm, WHY is she on Bing's front page (again)?
I like comics, I like teeny stories with a small punchline, 
I don't like Doonesbury or "Calvin and Hobbes."
I try to imagine why a comic should be funny.
I failed.

Comics I like are in museums now:

Generic bromide made relevant by the link.

Hitler had his Goebbels....I can't finish this sentence (yet,) but I doubt he stands alone.
Trump has his antidepressants and his (maybe) Pain pills, but look around the room.
There is someone no one pushes in headline news,
or is this news, standard campaign-folderol ("He looked tired")

And even Jesus used to go on about mansions being prepared for his friends in heaven....
The front-man for a trillion-dollar agency, with investors hungrily standing on the sidelines.
What fantastic rewards await them in their new reich?
The judges he's appointed are being plied with gifts in anticipation of them needing to bless the new order.

In short, the fixes are in. He could literally stand there and rant "yada-blah" and it wouldn't matter.

weird headline a few days later...

Cryptic link
I wondered about how non fungible tokens are doing these days.
If a famous person gave one away, and you could keep it pristine-non fungible (sounds like anti-mold),
You could profit bigtime.
Say an author or an artist wants to help someone less fortunate, they could bequeath (bestow? donate) a NFT, reducing their taxes and hopefully raising the status-quo of the recipient, once they sell it at some auction.

What I said, in a upper-crust way, and with pictures, but I stopped reading.
I dunno what they said, they verbally shat on NFT's but then why write the article.

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