
Friday, July 5, 2024

whut? (God of war)

 I went to hell (o, yeah, I remember now) to kill a monster, to retrieve his heart, to give it to Freya the witch, to cure the kid.

OK, Fine.

The ghostly appearance by Athena, let's ignore that for now...

I, uh, told the kid what he needs to know, to keep him from getting sick.
A question: WTF are we doing? Puzzle City Funhouse, yeah, but why?
What's that, a "Black Rune"?
What for?

No website, no blog, no video, shall tell you what the freaking "black Rune" is for.

To get to Jotunheim stadium, or maybe to visit rich people in Jotunheim-hills.

Freya's Pissed.
Her son is dead.
We're sort of slinking away...
More puzzles?
More monsters?
or (pretending writers actually have souls)
Mom comes back, the kid doesn't die nor kill his father, they rule some realm I haven't seen yet.
Ya, right.

Game over.
I want another game quick, one that is
Easy on the controller, not too many puzzles, 

I'm not graphically challenged, I do not own a laptop,
 so I'm going to pass on this time-killer.
Deathloop vs we happy few, so far.

Hints, clues: It should maybe have an "Unreal engine"
(these are my notes) "Deathloop"
or "we Happy few"
Or possibly "Alice" (the wonderland one, only with madness)
I'm still working on Alice.

Cartoon Alice is mean-looking, "Real" alice looks nice.
is she a random fan, a voice-actor, or in the game?
The game is way worse than the video, according to my opinion of her fan-video.
goth-style cartoon of a game.

Deathloop sounds like school.
 You all *like* school, and killing people.
OK I vote blindly for "We Happy few" which looks a LOT like a ripoff of "clockwork orange", about sadistic Brits.

I never saw the movie, I um, hmm.

Hypothetical game: the normal wimp and his wooden sword are Pumped Up (via cheats) and now he / she has muscles of a gladiator, and an AR-15.
"well, hello Mr. Bond"
"Say hello to my little friend"
End of snarky asshole.
Give all

"Best WHUT?!"
Possible link, possibly not

PS a badly written line or a misspell (or an inappropriate pause) can sink a career faster than the Titanic.
Yeah OK but I read these front page thingies and I'm still looking for the damn meme.
Whut Meme?
"I can haz Meme now" pleaze?
Is it meme yet?
And so I hate acronym-filled games meant for memers.
(meme-ers) (Fucking assholes, IDK)
The lamewad meme I could find

 (*This* sunk a movie???)
(Obscure reference to Peter Lorre who used the word "Macabre" in a quote, not "Bizarre," although I think Google fell asleep. Lorre never said "Bizarre"? Poppycock.)

OK I hate them all, nevermind.

Actually whatchamacallit "We happy few" sounds perfect, since it describes perfectly everyone everywhere.
Conform or die.
Kid tested, Wemod approved

Useless fluff from the upper-crusty

I liked the show "houses of the rich and famous", or was it "Lifestyles."

It's prolly a decorator thing that government rooms used for press-pictures in big ass countries look similar.
Well, let's see, the walls are not flat, they're paneled, white with gold trim.
You see no Nintendo's TV's or stereo equipment; these rooms are strictly for press.
Our own "Oval Office" should look the same but honestly I never thought to look.
Maybe I will now.
Unfortunately, most of the pictures are paywalled, and they confuse the AI computer because they look so similar. King Charles becomes Joe Biden, etc.

I managed to grab it (a publicity photo) as I was being shown the door:

White is not a color, it's a shade, they say, so that white isn't really white, and the wall on the right is very light blue (according to my monitor.)
My favorite paneling (so far) is, paneling with little lumpy things painted in gold.
How they paint the gold is a mystery to me, maybe they spend zillions to contract out to a trim-painter. 
The rug should be reddish brown, and any paintings or pictures should be generic from the Goodwill (no gigantic portraits, no black velvet, no flags)
OK I'm done, it was just a train of thought about those uncomfortable-looking chairs, and the generic room style one could maybe hope to emulate in their 12x12 living room.
OK, Oval office:
Tacky, compared to the other stately rooms.
The rug is bright blue, there Are portraits, and there is a flag.
Well, at least they have those ugly chairs.

WE know it's all fake, there being no TV's, no PC (an apple?) nor any pets.
So you couldn't get any work done... it's for show, like all those other rooms.

I did not know, I *guessed*, that the "Queen Anne" style-chair is what I was looking for. No press blurb (and there are TONS) lists the type of chairs.
For all I know they're from Office Depot. 
I didn't care, 
I just wondered about the style the world seems to choose.
The kind you purchase for yourself and your friends doesn't look the same exactly, but the term is good enough to google:

Those lamps, so carefully positioned to fall over, should anyone walk by.
Those doors, all wallpapered-up to look unobtrusive...
I think they should blow a few zillion on gold-trimmed-paneled doors, but maybe it's subtlety they're going for, IDK.

Rococo garage, hmm

Real-life rococo looks bland, the color of soup.
Which style is the one with gold-trimmed paneling?
Whatever it is, you can buy it at home depot, screw them on the wall.
Sooo cool!!!
OMG, instant culture

Neoclassical (I think)
BTW, those prices...they're for every single panel, aren't they??
OK I need to scale down my dreams to bathrooms and closets.
Peel-and-stick upper-crustiness

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