
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Really random hits

 So I'm reading, in no particular order, the Fascist theocracy to come.
And Accidental Science.

And Biden's speeches (It's hard to miss)

One of the random things I read said,

We're totally fucked

Hire a huckster, hire a salesman, they can act smart.
The widely accepted f'ing Genius.

You won't remember, and I didn't really watch, a movie about the world turning so stewpid in the far future, that a guy from our time was praised as a genius.

You'll believe basements, and glasses, and shady real estate deals, and alcoholic siblings.
You'll believe anything.

Well , fucket.

Vote this guy.
Well he's fictional (and dead) but still.
Too obscure but he looks the part and talks up a storm


But the guy only got one vote, people prolly wondered wtf he was on about...

I'll summarize the Parable:
A statesman (a woman but I hesitate typing "Stateswoman")
Wait, that's a word?
O, OK.
So a stateswoman irks the shit out of Doctor Who, so he gets his revenge by whispering to someone nearby,
"Doesn't she look tired?"

You should'a voted for Bernie Sanders, Gore, Hillary, and Geraldine Ferraro before that, but nooo...
What if they were tired? 
What if they were shady?
What if (what if)?
The supreme court, the Law of the Land, ruled Gore was obsolete.
And you decided Hillary might be a communist conspirator and a pedophile purveyor, holding kids hostage in basements,
Plus she was brain damaged.
Bernie has bad hair, plus, isn't he a communist?
Laws preventing convicted Felons from running are nullified, 
They're gonna move heaven and earth to turn the place into what the Taliban would be jealous of,
and You're worried he can't talk tew gud.
Free advertising on top of google's front page says it all, 
"He's too tired"
Yeah whatever.

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