
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Upper-crusty 2: technospeak

 This will be brief for now with lots of stuff to add, later.
RTG ("richer-than-God") routers usually have 4x4 antennas.
Cheap lower cost routers use 2x2 antennas for WiFi.

Somewhere in here (not sure where), I want to edit in a few lines about Mesh and other features.
You've bought maybe a bargain-basement brand with mysterious properties left over from much more expensive (much!) routers.
You've maybe read about the guy with the house larger than a mansion using "mesh" to tie a network together. 
More conservative types with tiny spaces to live in and two or three meager devices don't need "mesh", and yet techs from the cheaper router company will say, the hidden networks are from "Mesh", as if you needed it.
The BIGgie-est house could run ethernet.
Bah humbug, a guy wonders if some of the features on huge and extreeemely expensive routers that didn't work well, made it into your sorry little router.
Speaking plainly, 
Does the Mesh have an "Off"-switch?


Does the router have a "remote-access" switch? (so strangers won't come calling?)



It prolly would be a good idea to research features first, but tech-specs usually quote from a dictionary of tech-specs.

*reviews* on the other hand... well, it depends on the reviewer (I suppose)
Are they an Apple Lapdog, a freebie whore?


"Stay away from Netgear" with a link as to why.

I've gotta sleep in the bed I've made. You can do whatever you want.

Ya wanna feel good about purchases, which explains why people spend $1000 or so on phones, every year. I'd like to feel good about my Router (my netgear router) and I don't.
Not enough to run out and rack up another debt, but I'm still reading reviews and such.


*I* think the tired old bromide-maxim, "You get what you pay for," applies here.
Wanna turn a feature off, lock down your router? 
Pay more money!
so, hmm, right this exact wartorn-supply-chain-embargoed moment, I'd venture that the minimum is $800.
Any less and you get vestigial features that cannot be turned off (Mesh).

It's either the gem I want it to be, or a dog.
It isn't forum material (3500 sq. ft house and Yard) And I *think* I read it doesn't mesh well with others.
Stuff missing: The actual processor it uses. TP-Link, the competition, says about the same about its CPU.

From BE550's website

Only 1400 down, hmm
And it has a rougher, Also hmm
Judging by my direct-to-PC speed (900Mbps on a very good day)
and from what I know about my current wifi speed (when it was working,)
I'll have some overhead. 
Kinda like a cheap 50-watt stereo you only use 10 watts of.
(Bah, IDK, if it works per spec and does not die quickly, I'll be happy. But I would not give them as gifts)

"lowered expectations"🎶♪♪♪

"Which WiFi travels longest?"
The ooold ones, before you were born, tried at least to have some range, but now no one talks range, only speed.
(Whoa! They made a chart?)

They left out "Range." O well.
I do believe 802.11g was the farthest. 
But that's definitely arguable.
I'll try to link up a know-it-all answer.

Someone made up their own version (802.11ah) but you can't actually buy it, it was a stunt to prove a thing.
The picture says, 802.11af
is longest, then 802.11ah,
Then the real world after that.
I'm wasting my free trial (It's paywalled)
YOU read it, be all edified.

But wait, The truly eclectic (esoteric) wise-ones say, 802.11ah
So future-proof THAT, rich people.
So, NOW they can control porchlights and Sprinklers?
Wonders never cease.

"Does it work?"
 is my only real test, that and,
 "does it work at 6Ghz?"

A new google (just to remind myself): do 2x2-antenna routers do 320mhz bandwidth well?
2x2 utilitarian. 4x4, bragging rights.

A way back, around the turn of the century, (hmm), a DVD was a novelty you could stick into a computer, hook up to a TV (I don't remember how) and watch an old movie. If someone dared to walk on the hardwood floor, the movie would freeze up.
And maybe with wi-fi 7 streaming movies, it'll be like yesteryear all over again,
 if everyone promises not to microwave or use a cell phone.

And since my technospeak-piece got stuck on WiFi, 
here, a YouTube treatise on Immanuel Kant.
WiFi should be a means, not an end.
It occurred to me briefly that Abraham Maslow and Immanuel Kant had (maybe) similar philosophies, but I'll never really know, the articles are too dense and written by college students to get a good grade.

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