
Friday, August 30, 2024

upper crusty

Paradigm (I added that one, but yeah)

Anandtech is shutting down it's new publications, and with prosaic flair,
will allow newer writers to "take their place within the zeitgeist."

Pretentious crap words that all mean the same thing, you drive an empty truck to a Starbucks and pay too much for coffee, because that's your paradigm, and you enjoy the milieu (of the parking lot.)

"You mean you don't know who ... is? You're old."

Speaking of old, people either defer to you unnecessarily, or are openly hostile (for no particular reason, and yes I need a damn link, waitasec)
Did you wear the right color shirt? That's a gang color, be careful.
Actually that *should* read, "That's a ______ color, "be careful".
Black, gray, white OK? 

There are tons of clubby words that mean the same with simpler words, but right this second I'm only interested in the word "Anamorphic."
It's like synthetic widescreen, only more upper crusty.
And what exactly is it?
I go blind reading this and then trundling off to the kitchen. 
I wonder what that's called in filmography.
Fried-apple pie

This next excerpt is still in effect, or they forgot to change it (I'm being optimistic)

Being a habitual "heavy user" and paying $50 extra to be one, doesn't give me a dispensation, a golden-ticket, to bypass their arcadian rules (fossilized.)
So, at 3AM I'm consigned to the 390-450Mbps-crowd, far far away from the 900Mbps when I was a new fresh customer. (happy ending way down below)
On the other hand...

Maybe my data bucket has holes.
Seriously, 47? I never watch anything. 
The mandatory windows and phone updates, 
and this bombastic blog, 
are killing my allowance, hmm.

Anyway, it's spooky.

I'm editing in a note that, somehow, the modem assigned me an IPV6 address, but no IPV4 address, for whatever reason, and for five tension-filled minutes I was totally locked out of the internet.
I may never know why.
(Overlapping voices)
Unworthy! Ob-so-Lete!
I've got this here ipv6 address, but you can't see it.
I *guess* that's a good thing, I wouldn't know.

I wrote a couple sentences here that got erased.
I don't understand the myriad dd-wrt features, some of which are called "daemons". Stuff should be yes/no, 
not daemons and secretive little codes...
I seriously wanna buy a router now, one that talks english and knows what this router doesn't (or it does, but it talks way-too-Greeky)
Ports! I forgot Ports! and MTU (of course)
and "Scope ID!" 
(that funny little percent sign on a f'ing DNS address)
I don't care, let it be a caret, but I'll bet a ZIllion that NO ONE lets you stick percent-signs into a DNS-field.
Something....to do with DNS and lots of Jargon, it bokeh's my milieu.

So yeah, I have an IPV6 address on my WAN, but my LAN cannot see it (I don't think) and that's why test-ipv6 fails it.
I'm confused, I don't run a promiscuous server, I just want faster internet, and I'll try anything that helps.
THIS looks like the wrong dark-alley to go down.

This blames my router for being too thick.
Yeah but thick *how*? Why?

Fucket, pay drug-dealer prices for a router or buy cheap and suffer.
I think I'll pretend I'm rich.
OK proof positive my router totally sucks.
Looks nice, though.

2.5G connection, cuz it might matter (don't know why) 
And um, it can have piss-poor radio, I won't mind (It's not like we have a pool to sit next to)
But I don't wanna buy from embargoed communists (TP-Link)
and I uh, prefer "Netgear" but everyone else hates them.
Yes, I'm rich, but miserly.
Maybe I could,
 (no) or, um, 
Y-yes...Netgear doesn't scream "pretentious"
and "Future-proof" is a myth for the very very nervous.
I'm gonna buy it!
Made lovingly by Thai women.
Just, not now, it's too early yet (gotta wait til (IDK) the 10th or so.
And it's fairly new (OK I'm sold, I can shut up now)

I wrote an entry about making payments to Affirm early, wondering how early could a person make payments? 
e.g., if a bill is due on the 4th of a month and you pay it on the 7th of the previous month, does it count?
Yes!! Hallelujah, it counts. So if you're suddenly forgetful on the 4th, it won't matter.
Well, it mattered to me but I erased the entry and demoted it to a footnote.

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